Ontario Colleges Student Experience Survey

Institutional Research

Student Experience Survey

At Northern College, we are dedicated to improving our services and your student experience. 

We participate in what is called the Ontario College Student Experience Survey (OCSES), a tool used by the Ministry of Colleges and Universities to canvas students on their level of satisfaction with their College. Using a select set of criteria called Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) students will be invited to provide feedback on their experience at Northern. 

About the Survey

Who can participate?

All students of post-secondary programs in their second semester or above can participate, except for those taking apprenticeship programs.

How do I complete the survey?

Students eligible to participate will be notified by email with link to the online survey and other details.


When is the survey delivered?

The main survey is administered online during the winter semester each year. A survey is also administered during the fall semester for students who are not be able to receive the winter survey because they are either graduating or on co-op/placement or break during the winter semester.

Timmins students outside

Northern College students doing homework outside

What does the survey cover?

The Ontario College Student Experiences Survey (OCSES) is comprised of three modules:

  • Teaching & Learning Quality
  • Program Related Knowledge & Skills
  • Work Integrated Learning

These three modules were developed with a focus on program quality and the standards outlined by PEQAB and CQAAP. The survey also asks for demographics on previous education, student goals, first generation learner status, ability/disability, and Indigeneity.

We encourage all students to make their voice heard! All survey responses are valid; we want to know how you feel so we can best support you and improve our services!

All participants are entered into a random draw for $100 Amazon gift cards, so be sure to complete the survey and let us know how your experience has been so far at Northern!

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