Mining Field School II
The Mining Engineering Technician program requires two Field School components to be completed on-site in Haileybury. The Field Schools are typically two weeks in length and take place in May.
Field School II includes:
MI4013 Surveying IV
In this 3-day survey field course, practical hands-on undergound skills and calculations are emphasized. Topics include total station basics, data collector technology, underground surveying techniques, shaft plumbing techniques, control survey verification and GPS applications. Emphasis will be placed on maintaining proper field notes of all information gathered. 30 Hours
MI4043 Mineral Processing II
This course will introduce the students to the equipment and processes involved with the milling and extraction of various ores. The students will become familiar with all components of a crushing plant, mill, and tailings disposal system, and will include environmental discussions. A site visit to the Alamos Gold Inc. Young-Davidson Mine and Mill in Matachewan, Ontario will demonstrate the mineral processing steps from crushing to gold recovery. 30 Hours
MI4093 Mineralogy and Geology VI
This course is designed to continue field mapping techniques, specifically on a detailed grid, as well as traverse mapping. Additional work in GPS will be completed, particularly as an introduction to the Garmin and Trimble GPS packages/systems. This course extends the study of fundamental Mineralogy, as learned in First Year, into the laboratory study of hand specimens of oxides, chlorides, fluorides, carbonates and the principal mineral families (especially silicates) and rocks. 30 Hours