Crisis Intervention Skills

Northern Training Division
Credential Earned: Training Certificate
Campus: Distance
Program Length: 1 Day

Learn how to recognize the signs of escalating behaviour and understand how to respond proactively and appropriately during episodes of chaos. In this one-day workshop you will learn how to mitigate risk and stabilize situations, anticipate in order to plan subsequent responses (expect the unexpected), and how to debrief after a contentious situation.

This course is ideal for new and/or current mangers and frontline staff and is be presented in a highly interactive manner, with a power point presentation. Individual and group activities and case studies will intersperse the session including theory, practice, group discussion, and activities ensure that learning objectives are met. For this course, the minimum number of participants is 8 and the maximum is 18.

Course Benefits

  • Gain confidence and competence in de-escalating contentious situations.
  • Appreciate the professional value of dealing with crisis situations.
  • Appreciate the need to be flexible and adaptable to situations.
  • Understand the importance of creating a supportive environment that generates empowerment and engagement.


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Northern Training Division

Solutions for a Powerful Workforce

Northern Training Division offers specialized training opportunities to help you develop skills to advance in your field, master a new interest, or fast-track you for success in industries with high demand for skilled labourers.

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