Maintenance Management Professional

Northern Training Division
Credential Earned: Training Certificate
Campus: Distance
Program Length: 240 Hours

Northern College Board Approved Certificate

The Maintenance Management Professional certification program focuses on the tools, techniques, strategies and skills necessary for effective management of a business’s existing physical assets.

Graduates have the knowledge and skills to drive improvements in uptime, production capacity, equipment reliability, safety, environmental compliance, economic life of assets, return on investment and effective communication between departments.

This program consists of 8 modules.

This module develops the framework for thinking about a strategic approach to maintenance management that is integrated with the business. Drawing on the elements presented in the “Maintenance Excellence Pyramid” of Uptime, participants in Module 1 will learn how strategy, people, basic care, materials management, performance management, work management, support systems, and tools such as RCM (Reliability Centered Maintenance) and RCFA (Root Cause Failure Analysis) can work together to build a culture of excellence.

This module links maintenance strategies with those of production and operations. By studying production methodologies maintenance managers will be better prepared to apply these techniques to improve the performance of their business unit and align their efforts to support the production goals of the organization.

This module looks at how human resources practices relate to the maintenance environment. Topics covered include the role of human resources in maintenance management, meeting legal requirements, recruitment and selection, orientation training and employee development, proper application of performance appraisals, the union management interface, managing change through effective leadership and managing safety in the workplace.

This module focuses on the application of accounting and finance principles as it pertains to the maintenance management role. The module will give you an understanding of the foundation principles of accounting and cover the four main pillars of accounting knowledge the maintenance manager needs to support a successful maintenance department. These four main pillars are: Project Analysis, Budgeting/Forecasting, Cost Analysis for Managerial Decisions, and MRO Inventory.

This module focuses on maintenance efforts to ensure that physical assets safely, capably, reliably and repeatedly perform to their designed specifications. The focus is on techniques to develop maintenance tactics that will address how the assets are used, how they are likely to fail, the consequence of failure, and identifying maintenance tactics that are both feasible and worth doing. After developing tactics, the module will focus on how tactics need to be implemented and their effectiveness tracked.

Effective Work Management ensures that the right maintenance work is done on the correct assets, at the right time, using the right resources and the right tools. This module provides a study of the fundamental principles of the work management process in addition to the basics of planning, scheduling and work coordination methods.

This module will demonstrate why collecting and managing maintenance information is important for realizing value from assets and aligning maintenance management with the organization’s overall objectives. Participants will learn when and where maintenance information is critical within the asset’s lifecycle, and particularly within the maintenance management functions. This module will discuss the processes and tools that create, collect, and manage maintenance information, and how to manage data efficiently and effectively. Upon completion of this module participants will recognize maintenance management processes and information systems that define, collect and, transform data and information to underpin decision-making foundations.

Through the application of the key learning elements from the previous 7 MMP modules participants apply the principles, latest concepts and techniques to a final project. Participants will select a project that will audit, assess and improve their current maintenance departments or develop a new maintenance strategy in their company or resolve a significant maintenance issue within their departments. There is also the option of developing a “Greenfield” maintenance strategy and program upon approval from the instructor. The assessment of the Capstone projects is intended to qualify participants for their MMP certification and designation. Pre-requisites: Modules 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7.


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