Meet Brandon Prazeres
Meet Brandon Prazeres
New Northern Student in Police Foundations
Beginning College in Fall 2022
Why did you choose Northern College?
I chose Northern because it’s close to home and has the best police foundations course a state-of-the-art facility that is the first in Canada. So it’s a win-win. I’m close to home and I get the best program possible.
What is your favourite subject in high-school?
Mathematics and physical education because I love to solve problems and be physically active. I won the Physical Education award in grade 11 for achieving the highest grade average in class – that’s how much I love it!
What challenges did you face?
I faced the challenge of online school due to COVID-19 lockdowns. This was very foreign to me and it was difficult to stay motivated. During the first lockdown, my eating habits were poor, I didn’t do any physical activity, and I played video games all day when I wasn’t doing schoolwork.
This took a toll on my physical and mental health. I also had decreased motivation and due to that, my schooling started to suffer. That is when I decided to start doing some physical exercise. I started lifting weights and fell in love with running and weightlifting. As a result, I am now in the best shape in my life and feel more motivated and confident than I had ever been.
Are there any other thoughts you’d like to share?
I am really excited to start my program this fall. I can’t wait to learn everything at Northern’s state-of-the-art facility and the Integrated Emergency Services department. I’m excited to make new friends and connections with people in the industry.
Does Northern College sound like a good fit for you?
Here’s how to take your first steps on your exciting new and rewarding career path.