About Our Services
Academic Upgrading at Northern College offers support and services to individuals seeking to advance their education. Whether it is to obtain high school equivalent, obtain pre-requisite courses to get into a college program, or to develop computer or study skills, Academic Upgrading is here to support your pursuit of advancing your education and skills.
Upgrading will benefit you if:
- You have been out of school for some time.
- You need further education to achieve career or personal goals.
- You need senior math or sciences credits for a college program.
- You want to develop your learning and study skills.
- You want to improve your computer skills.
Courses are tailored to your educational level and background and geared towards the health, business, environmental, technical, and human services program streams, all in a supportive and friendly environment.
How It Works
Contact the centre nearest you to arrange for an assessment with us to evaluate your current skill levels in math, communications and computers.
Programs generally start within two weeks of evaluation.
You will work independently on assigned tasks in a large classroom of adults and on computer. You also receive one-on-one coaching and feedback.
To prepare for a college program, begin your Academic Upgrading as early as possible to ensure you are ready in time for the college program to begin.
Because September is the best time to start upgrading, make your initial contact in June or late August.
Program Length
Program duration depends on your unique needs and goals.
Learners needing several subjects can, on average, complete the program within 1.5-2 years, although some may need more or less time.
Programs run for 37 weeks between September and June every year.
Summer sessions may be available at a site near you, based on enrolment.
If you’re preparing for a specific college program, begin Academic Upgrading in September to line up with the next year’s enrolment deadline.
Free and Flexible
Our services are free, however a small fee may apply for use of texts and a $20 student fee is levied.
You can begin anytime between September and May. Courses are customized to health, technical, business, human services, or environmental program streams.
Timetables are individualized to accommodate work and family needs and you may qualify for transportation and/or childcare support.
Our services are offered to adult learners from a variety of education levels and backgrounds.
To learn more about our services, please email upgrading@northern.on.ca
Complete our registration form to get started with us.
Academic & Career Entrance (ACE)
Didn’t finish high school? Come to college to study instead!
Whatever your long-term goals, Northern’s Grade 12 equivalency program—the Academic & Career Entrance (ACE) certificate—will set you up with the skills, prerequisites, and coursework you need to get ahead.
With core courses and electives in communications, math, science, computers, and personal management, ACE credits can be used to satisfy the admission requirements of a wide range of college and apprenticeship programs.
What’s more, the ACE Certificate is also recognized by a growing number of employers when hiring and promoting staff.
ACE is considered equivalent to the Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) by Ontario’s community colleges and by the Ministry of Advanced Education and Skills Development.
To receive an ACE Certificate, students are required to complete the communications course, one mathematics course plus any two other courses from the ACE course list.
The ACE Certificate is recognized as an OSSD (grade 12) equivalent by Ontario’s community colleges and by the Ministry of Advanced Education and Skills Development. ACE courses have been evaluated by the Ministry of Advanced Education and Skills Development. The ACE Certificate is also recognized as an OSSD (grade 12) equivalent by a growing number of employers when hiring and promoting staff.
Areas We Serve
We have Academic Upgrading centres at each campus and access centre. We serve all surrounding areas in Northeastern Ontario.
Contact the centre nearest you to get started with our services.
Haileybury Campus
Kate Glover
Program Coordinator
Tel: 705-672-3376 ext. 8822
Email: gloverk@northern.on.ca
Kirkland Lake Campus
Georgina Tryon
Program Coordinator
Tel: 705-567-9291 ext. 3606
Email: tryong@northern.on.ca
Moosonee Campus
Julie Garrod
Program Coordinator
Tel: 705-336-2913 ext. 5609
Email: garrodj@northern.on.ca
Timmins Campus
Charbonneau, Barb
Program Coordinator
Tel: 705.235.3211 ext. 2146
Email: charbonneaub@northern.on.ca
Access Centres
Moose Factory
Tel: 705-658-4463
Email: access@northern.on.ca
Email: access@northern.on.ca
Fort Albany
Tel: 705-278-7070
Email: access@northern.on.ca
Tel: 705-275-1388
Email: access@northern.on.ca
Timmins Native Friendship Centre
179 Kirby Avenue, Timmins, ON
Tel: 705-268-6262 ext. 228
Email: tnfclbsprog@ntl.sympatico.ca
Iroquois Falls
Also serving the communities of Matheson and Wahgoshing First Nation
441-C Main Street, Iroquois Falls, ON
Barb Charbonneau
Tel: 705-235-3211 ext. 2146
Email: upgradingif@northern.on.ca
Sarah Brown
1-149 Fifth Avenue, Cochrane, ON
Tel: 705-272-4188
Email: browns@northern.on.ca
Mireille Morin
3 15th Street, Unit 4, P.O. Box 2303
Hearst ON P0L1N0
Tel: 705-372-1211
Email: morinm@northern.on.ca
To learn more about our services, please email upgrading@northern.on.ca
Complete our registration form to get started with us.