Mining Engineering Technician

Post-Secondary Programs
Credential Earned: Ontario College Diploma (2 Year)
Campus: Haileybury, Kirkland Lake, Timmins, Distance
Program Length: 4 Semesters

Program Codes
M002 (HL) – Haileybury Campus
M042 (CH) – Distance

The mining engineering technician program prepares you for a successful career in the mining industry.

Mining engineering technicians are the educated and practical connection between mining engineers, geoscientists and the other mine departments. They use technology to collect and analyze data, report findings and help operating departments be successful throughout the mine life. Engineering technicians work in mines and mineral processing plants across northern Ontario and around the world.

They monitor the plant operation and adjust chemistry and machinery to optimize recovery of minerals such as base metals, industrial minerals, gold or diamonds; and they prepare reports that guide management of a mine site. They help with the environmentally responsible operation of mine waste storage areas and play key roles in their reclamation.

Engineering technicians work in teams with engineers and geologists to plan and design surface and underground mine excavations to access and extract valuable minerals. They select equipment and plan efficient use of explosives and materials. They use drawings and communication tools to help mine operators understand and follow the plans, and they use technology to monitor the mining work to make sure the plans are followed. They measure the results and calculate performance to produce reports that help the mine operate as a profitable business.

Engineering Technicians perform field work in geology and exploration that help define where mining will happen next. Northern College Haileybury School of Mines is known for the quality of its geology programming. Students learn skills to test and identify rocks and minerals, and learn how to manage and present geological data for use in industry.

The Northern College Mining Engineering Tech program is one of the best-funded college programs in Canada with entry scholarships, bursaries and awards. It is the best-funded program at Northern college with $118,000 in scholarships awarded to 44 students in 2023/2024.

Being a Mining Engineering Technician from Northern College Haileybury School of Mines is your ticket to tackling the world of mining.

Contact Information

For questions about being admitted into the program, please contact Northern College Admissions at or by phone at 705-235-3211 ext. 7222.

For questions about the content of the program, contact the Program Coordinator.

Kellie Broderick
Program Assistant
Tel: 705-672-3376 ext. 8854

Student Success & The Northern Experience

Mining Engineering Technicians are involved in every aspect of mining from exploration to extraction. Our program is taught through a combination of virtual theory classes with our experienced and passionate instructors and in our two-week field school where the concepts and skills learned in the virtual classroom are further developed through hands-on and applied learning opportunities. We have carefully crafted the online delivery to preserve the curriculum, skills learned, and overall experience.

Does this program sound like a good fit for you?

Connect with us to learn more.


Course Information

Course descriptions can be found below.

Please note, course information is based on our current offering and is subject to change. Current students can find more information on courses in their student account.

If you have questions or require program information for previous academic years, please contact the Program Coordinator.

2024-2025 Academic Year

Semester 1

This is a course in general chemistry designed to provide a fundamental background for students to understand chemical concepts and to appreciate the applications and implications of chemistry in technology and society.

42 Hours

In this course, students will learn essential skills for success in college and the workplace. This course focuses on developing and strengthening oral and written communication skills, and critical thinking ability. During this course, students will engage in a variety of forms of communication with a focus on upholding the principles of academic integrity. Students will develop the skills necessary to create discipline-specific documents, practice business etiquette and professionalism, and apply critical thinking strategies to practical scenarios. Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to plan and draft concise, coherent and well-organized writing assignments that are tailored to specific audiences and purposes. 

42 Hours

Improving your knowledge and understanding of the history of the Indigenous peoples of what we now call Canada is an important step to enable Indigenous and non-Indigenous people, organizations, and communities to work together more respectfully. Throughout this course you will have the opportunity to learn, discuss and reflect about many topics that are relevant in the learning journey towards reconciliation.

42 Hours

In this course, students will gain practical experience with Microsoft Excel for Windows. Excel will be used to prepare various reports, presentations and applications which directly correlate to the critical-thinking requirements of the workplace. Students will gain practical experience working with formulas and functions, developing, and enhancing financial reports, organizing data with charts, data lists, and tables, managing multiple work sheets, workbooks, and external data sources, developing macros, using conditional functions, working with financial tools and functions, and performing what-if analysis.

42 Hours

This course covers basic algebra properties, graphing the straight line, basic geometry and trigonometry, and solving a system of equations graphically and algebraically. It also covers vector addition by components and by the cosine and sine laws.

56 Hours

The geology of the Precambrian, Palaeozoic and Cenozoic eras is introduced in this course. Students are introduced to mapping techniques and the “art” of visualization. Topics include basic geological structures, historical geology and physical processes such as glaciation. Mineralogy is introduced through the physical properties of minerals.

42 Hours

This course discusses the origin and history of mining and its contributions to ancient and modern civilizations. Students are introduced to basic geological and mining terminology, mineral reserve estimation, the mining sequence and to some of the legal requirements governing mining activities.

42 Hours

This course is an introduction to the basic principles of Plane Surveying. The theory and use of theodolites/total stations, steel tapes and levels will be covered. Basic surveying calculations for direction, coordinates and area will be included.

42 Hours

Semester 2

In this course, students will develop professional communication skills required for success in the workplace. Students will continue to develop and strengthen their oral and written communication skills and critical thinking abilities. During this course, students will use various modes of communication to complete assignments designed to meet program and professional expectations. Students will utilize a variety of technologies for the purpose of creating a professional presence in a digital environment. Students will develop the necessary skills to create polished workplace documents such as letters, resumes, cover letters and reports tailored to specific audiences. Students will learn to conduct themselves with professionalism in both workplace interviews and job searches.  Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to create clear, concise and coherent workplace and employment documents that are error-free and designed for specific audiences and purposes.  

42 Hours

This is an introductory course designed to teach students the basics of using the AutoCAD drafting software to create 2 dimensional drawings. Lessons include using the draw, modify, layering and annotation commands.

56 Hours

MA2104 is the second course in the math stream for students in an Engineering Technician / Technology program.  The emphasis of this course is on solving equations relating to quadratics, logarithms, exponentials, with sections on factoring, fractional equations, manipulating exponent and radical expressions, and complex numbers, and for some programs studying systems of linear equations and determinants.  Applications of the basic concepts, to particular fields of study, will be covered.

The second semester Mathematics course is designed to give the student the mathematical tools required to function in his/her special field of study.

Students are encouraged to seek help after class hours if problems are encountered in the course.  Every effort will be made to identify problem areas to the student, but in the final analysis, it is the responsibility of the student to ask for help.

Prerequisite: MA1100 – Mathematics I (with 60%)

56 Hours

This course will introduce the student to mineral processing theory, equipment and process. It will look at the steps involved in basic mineral processing of ores, from extraction to the disposal of tailings.

42 Hours

This half-semester course reviews concepts of metric and British systems of units, conversions, vectors, statics, motion, force, work, and energy. The objective of this course is to familiarize students with the basic principles of physics that have application in many of the technologies associated with mining, geology and metallurgy.

21 Hours

This course is the continuation of the study of minerals including native elements, sulphides, arsenides, and some oxides. Also physical geology is studied with topics including maps, an introduction to air photos, mineral exploration, processes affecting and forming the earth, and some qualitative geochemical analysis.

42 Hours

This course introduces basic engineering principles used for the design and development of surface mines. The various types of methods and material handling systems used in the exploitation of surface mines are also discussed.

42 Hours

The Mining Engineering Technician program requires two Field School components to be completed on-site in Haileybury. The Field Schools are typically two weeks in length and take place in May.

Field School I includes:

MI3043 Surveying II
In this 1-week survey field course, a “hands-on” project-oriented approach is emphasized. Projects will include operating an automatic level to run a level loop and operating a total station to measure the distances and interior angles of a survey traverse. Emphasis will be placed on maintaining proper field notes.
45 Hours

MI3163 Mineralogy and Geology III
In this field school, the student will learn to recognize geological features such as faults, striations, roche moutonnées, pillow lavas, sills, dykes, varves, ripple marks, rock textures, etc. that were previously studied in the curriculum materials. Local geological history will be synthesized and explained by studying field relationships of nearby rocks. The student will also become familiar with certain field mapping/illustration techniques. A panorama of cross-sections across the Cobalt camp will be developed. Students will study hand specimens to visually reinforce mineral properties previously studied, as a means of learning and identifying minerals; at the same time, students will study hand specimens of mineral groups including the native elements, sulfides and arsenides. Mines, equipment, mining methods and impact of the Cobalt mining camp will be studied. 45 Hours

Semester 3

This course introduces the student to health and safety in their home, in society and within an occupational setting. Students learn about the social and personal benefits of safe work practices and the methods to best prevent accidents or injuries. Students will review the role, right and responsibilities of an individual in today’s health and safety conscious world. Students also learn how to read and interpret the Occupational Act and Regulations.

MA3033 focuses on additional topics in algebra, geometry and trigonometry. Applications from many fields of technology are explored to show where and how mathematical techniques are used in the real world. Emphasis is placed on doing mathematics.

The learner is expected to apply time and effort to understanding the basic concepts. The learner is also expected to apply time and effort in demonstrating acquired knowledge by solving basic word problems involving technical applications. Using mathematics effectively in everyday situations requires the ability to apply a wide variety of mathematical skills accurately.

Students who successfully complete this course will have demonstrated their ability to apply the concepts of number and space to situations which include quantities, magnitudes, measurements, and ratios. They will have developed their ability to identify the need for mathematics, to apply mathematical techniques (concepts, conventions, strategies, and operations) and to check the results of their analyses. This will require flexibility, creativity and confidence which can only be gained through practice.

Elements of the Performance include:

  • Recognize real-life problems that require mathematics to solve
  • Assess potential mathematical strategies (including models, geometric representations or formulae, elementary algebraic equations, descriptive statistical methods, and mathematical reasoning) for suitability and effectiveness
  • Decide on the degree of accuracy required for answers
  • Estimate probable answers
  • Execute mathematical operations necessary to implement selected strategies
  • Use calculators or appropriate technological tools to perform mathematical operations accurately
  • Check for errors in numerical answers and the appropriate fit between problems and answers
  • Express answers clearly
  • Transfer the use of mathematical strategies from one situation to another

45 Hours

This course starts with a review of basic mining nomenclature, calculations, processes, planning and guiding tools and other activities performed at the exploration & evaluation stages of the mining sequence. Next, rules-of-thumb and basic engineering principles used for the design, development and exploitation of underground mines are introduced. Various types of underground mine development openings, mining methods, rock breakage and material handling systems used in underground mining are also discussed.

42 Hours

The survey course is project oriented with the objectives of making the student familiar with differential leveling methods, the operation and care of optical theodolites, as well as the application of basic underground surveying procedures and calculations.

42 Hours

This half-semester course examines the concepts of Safety and Loss Control in organizations. Students will review the elements of a well-designed Occupational Health and Safety program, the principle of due diligence, the basic causes of accidents and/or injuries as well as practices used to identify, control and evaluate hazards in the workplace.

24 Hours

This course is designed to continue field mapping techniques, specifically on a detailed grid, as well as traverse mapping. Concurrently, students will cover a course in Exploration Geochemistry (concepts, practical computer exercises and limited field work), as well as be introduced to GPS systems. Advanced topics in Plate Tectonics will also be introduced. These skills will be practiced in Mineralogy and Geology IV.

42 Hours

This course covers intact rock properties, rock mass characteristics and classification. Other topics include: geo-technical data collection, rock stress distribution and failure, induced stresses around openings, underground opening and pillar design, rock reinforcement and support, ground support systems, such as mesh, bolt, cable and shot Crete, and ground system design.

42 Hours

General Education Courses are selected online each semester by the student from a list provided and exposes students to a related area of study outside of their immediate academic discipline. Certain programs have predetermined electives. 

42 Hours

Semester 4

This course first reviews the basic drawing, editing and display commands used in Release 2021. Advanced drawing, editing and display commands relating to blocks, Xrefs, attributes, and hatching are learned. Commands for drawing and modelling in 3-D are introduced. Practical assignments relate to office plans, wireframing, geology plans and cross-sections, 3-D visualization and a milling flow sheet.

This course will cover such topics as: Measures of Central and Dispersion Tendencies; Distributions (Frequency, Probability, Binomial and Normal); Quality Process Control; Correlation and Regression Models and Hypothesis Testing. This course will have applications to various fields in engineering while using Microsoft Excel

Pre-requisites: MA1100 Mathematics I

42 Hours

This course briefly reviews the history of the managerial concept and discusses organizations and modern managerial functions. Students are introduced to the roles and duties of supervisors in modern organizations and some of the legal requirements and liabilities associated with supervisory activities.

42 Hours

This half-semester course reviews basic financial mathematics and introduces the concepts of discounted cash flows, rate-of-return, sensitivity and risk analyses. Evaluation of equipment replacement alternatives, including “buy versus lease” and the effects of taxation and capital expenditure depreciation on mine project cash flows are also discussed. 

21 Hours

This half-semester course briefly reviews potential environmental impacts of mining. Students are also introduced to environmental regulatory requirements, best practices, monitoring and reporting.

21 Hours

This course extends the study of fundamental Mineralogy into the systematic study of the principal rock-forming mineral families (especially silicates and secondary silicates), including properties and uses, as well as introducing petrology. Students will learn to identify major rock types. Also, students will be introduced to geochemical exploration and hydrology.

42 Hours

This course guides students through the integration of mining engineering technician program subject material in the design of excavations for underground development and production mining. Through application of their knowledge gained in surveying, ground control, geology, ventilation, physics and underground mining; students will consider example site conditions to develop efficient and safe designs for excavations to access and extract ore including infrastructure for mine operations and maintenance. Students will use advanced CADD tools and techniques to produce 3d designs with a focus on outputs of high quality drawings and layouts typical to mining industry needs and in compliance with Ontario Acts and Regulations for Mines. Use of multiple software packages for mine design, modelling and simulation will provide experience with benefits and limitations of different data and file formats, and teach practical skills in converting between them while maintaining data integrity and accuracy. Students will become proficient in effect use of Point Cloud, Vector and Imagery data as collected from surveying, scans, and other sources. Assignments include integrated use in highly communicative documents, drawings and models, as well as effective and secure layer and drawing file management in engineering department settings with multiple clients requiring concurrent access to singular data sets.

40 Hours

This online course briefly reviews fundamental design principles of underground mine ventilation such as air flow and resistance estimation, fan selection and mine air quality. Students are also introduced to mine ventilation monitoring, control techniques and legislated requirements.

General Education Courses are selected online each semester by the student from a list provided and exposes students to a related area of study outside of their immediate academic discipline. Certain programs have predetermined electives. 

42 Hours

The Mining Engineering Technician program requires two Field School components to be completed on-site in Haileybury. The Field Schools are typically two weeks in length and take place in May.

Field School II includes:

MI4013 Surveying IV
In this 3-day survey field course, practical hands-on undergound skills and calculations are emphasized. Topics include total station basics, data collector technology, underground surveying techniques, shaft plumbing techniques, control survey verification and GPS applications. Emphasis will be placed on maintaining proper field notes of all information gathered. 30 Hours

MI4043 Mineral Processing II
This course will introduce the students to the equipment and processes involved with the milling and extraction of various ores. The students will become familiar with all components of a crushing plant, mill, and tailings disposal system, and will include environmental discussions. A site visit to the Alamos Gold Inc. Young-Davidson Mine and Mill in Matachewan, Ontario will demonstrate the mineral processing steps from crushing to gold recovery. 30 Hours

MI4093 Mineralogy and Geology VI
This course is designed to continue field mapping techniques, specifically on a detailed grid, as well as traverse mapping. Additional work in GPS will be completed, particularly as an introduction to the Garmin and Trimble GPS packages/systems. This course extends the study of fundamental Mineralogy, as learned in First Year, into the laboratory study of hand specimens of oxides, chlorides, fluorides, carbonates and the principal mineral families (especially silicates) and rocks. 30 Hours

Career Ready Graduates

Pathways to Success

If you have an interest in earning a university degree, your Northern College Mining Engineering Technician diploma offers pathways to earn a Degree through transfer agreements with universities.


Articulation Agreements

A number of articulation agreements have been negotiated with universities and other institutions across Canada, North America and internationally. These agreements are assessed, revised and updated on a regular basis. Please contact the program coordinator for specific details if you are interested in pursuing such an option.


Career Opportunities

Graduates may find employment as: surveyors, planners, production supervisors, assayers, process operators, metallurgical technicians, exploration or mine geological technicians, government mine inspectors, mine technicians (ventilation, ground control, environmental, projects), and/or sales and technical representatives.

  • Mining engineering technician
  • Employed by petroleum and mining companies, consulting geology and engineering firms, and by government and educational institutions, and a variety of manufacturing, construction and utilities companies.

Explore labour market information for related careers and employment trend data from the Government of Canada Job Bank.


  1. Conduct air volume measurements and rock stability assessments to develop and implement plans that ensure worker safety and regulatory compliance.
  2. Use computer software for mine modeling, drafting, and database management to generate mine plans, sections, and reports that support efficient mine operation and decision-making.
  3. Select and install infrastructure and communication technologies to enhance utility management and data flow for improved operational efficiency.
  4. Perform underground and surface surveys to gather data for the design and planning of mining operations.
  5. Collect and analyze geological samples to evaluate ore reserves and support mining assessments.
  6. Conduct safety inspections, report findings, and implement risk mitigation strategies to ensure compliance with mine safety standards.
  7. Develop and implement strategies for continuous learning and professional development to maintain technical expertise and improve performance in mining operations.
  8. Evaluate rocks and mineral samples, as well as unit processes involved in mineral beneficiation to improve extraction efficiency and meet operational targets.
  9. Develop and implement mine schedules and blast designs using industry-standard software to enhance safety and operational efficiency.

Haileybury School of Mines

The Haileybury School of Mines started our program in 1912 due to the historic silver boom in nearby Cobalt. It was the goal to train people to do all engineering technical work in the mines, and this has evolved to our current Mining Engineering Technician program with the same values and goals.

Northern College Haileybury School of Mines has more operating mines and mills, and more variety in economic geology in a 220 km radius than any other community in Canada! The Haileybury campus is home to an extensive rock and mineral collection, and hosts the Rock Walk Park with over 200 samples larger than 2 tons in size. The college uses its extensive network of alumni and industry partners to ensure the latest technology is taught and available for hands-on learning of the required skills.

Northern College Haileybury School of Mines has a diverse mix of students. Our students include those coming directly from high school and looking to earn big money in a couple of years when they graduate, and those who have been in the industry as miners or supervisors and looking to advance their careers as managers or corporate leaders. The Northern College Mining Engineering Technician program currently leads all Canadian mining programs in female participation with 36% female students.

Graduates of the Northern College Haileybury School of Mines Mining Engineering Technician Program have careers that take them around the world: literally. Many alumni have worked in mining on 6 or more continents in their careers. You can have a solid job with excellent salary and benefits by working at a mine in your community. 100 % of our Mining Engineering Technician program graduates obtain jobs in the mining industry.

Admissions Information & Requirements

Program Specific Requirements

Mining Field School Supplies [PDF, 290 KB]

Admission Requirements

  • Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD)
  • Grade 12 English (C, U)
  • Grade 12 Math (C, U) (MCT4C preferred; MAP4C is accepted with a minimum GPA of 60%)
  • Grade 12 Chemistry (C, U) is recommended)
  • Grade 12 Physics (C, U) is recommended

Or equivalent


Academic prerequisites for this program may be obtained free of charge through Academic Upgrading.

Applicants who do not have a high school diploma or equivalent and will have reached the age of 19 years on or before the start of the program must undergo academic testing and may be required to complete Prior Learning Assessment & Recognition (PLAR) process to demonstrate equivalency of admission requirements prior to admission into a program.

For more details, please contact the Admissions Office at 705-235-7222 or

Additional Requirements for International Students

In addition to the admission requirements, international students must have proof of English Proficiency and meet the requirements below.

1. Proof of Senior High School Diploma/Certificate

2. English Proficiency (we will require one of the following):

  • IELTS Academic International English Language Testing System: a minimum overall score of 6.0 must be achieved with no individual band score under 6.0; however, we will accept one band at 5.5.
  • TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) – Internet Based Test (iBT) overall minimum score of 79
  • PTE (Pearson Test of English) Academic – Graduate Diploma: 58+

If your country of citizenship has English as its official language, we may accept alternate proof of English Proficiency.

All educational documents must be submitted in English and will be dependent on the country of citizenship.

For more information, please contact

Tuition, Fees & Payments

The tuition and fees information is typically updated yearly for the upcoming Academic Year in May. The amounts are for the full academic year.

Amounts may be based on last years tuition and fees and are subject to change.

If you are a current student, please refer to your Student Account or see a Student Services Clerk for the most up-to-date information.


Domestic: $2,720.56

International: $14,813.46

Program Specific Fees

Transportation & Field Trips: $100.00

Ancillary Fees

Ancillary fees vary by campus and support aspects of your experience as a Northern College student, such as Student Associations, Athletic Facilities, and Health Benefits.

Ancillary fees are paid in full for the entire academic year in the first semester.

The Convocation and Official Documentation Fee (GRA) of $100.00 only applies for the first year of each program.

Please see Detailed Ancillary Fees for more information.

Ancillary Fees by Campus Domestic International
Haileybury (HL) $976.50 $1,589.00
Distance (CK, CH, OL) $772.50 N/A

Find Your True North.

At Northern College, you’re a part of a community.

From your teachers to support staff and administrators, we are all here to help you get an education and make some lasting connections along the way.

Your success is incredibly important to you, so we provide student supports to help you achieve your goals. From study assistance and accessibility services to mental health supports and financial aid, we’ve got you covered.

Each of Northern’s campuses boasts exercise facilities, a gym, cafeteria, study areas and a library – places that you can go to help keep you focused as you work your way through your studies. The communities we call home are incredible places, filled with amazing people and things to do.

Student Supports & ServicesCampus Facilities

mining field school students at cobalt headframe
MacKenzie-Adam Mining Engineering Technician alumni

“I chose Northern College because, based on testimonials from previous employers, friends and colleagues, that the Haileybury School of Mines (HSM) at Northern College has a world renowned reputation for producing high quality, well educated graduates with a high rate of employment. I have 5 or 6 family members and a handful of friends who have attended Northern College at various campus’ and they all agree the education they received is comparable to some of the top universities that also offer the programs Northern offers. Which I am learning through my course is absolutely correct. I highly recommend Northern College.”

– MacKenzie-Adam Armstrong, Distance Learning, Mining Engineering Technician

Does Northern College sound like a good fit for you?

Here’s how to take your first steps on your new exciting and rewarding career path.


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