Kirkland Lake Campus Facility Rentals

Kirkland Lake Campus Facility Rentals

It is our mission, as a rental facility, to make your planning as easy and stress free as possible. Our facility coordinator is there to assist you every step of the way. Northern College recognizes the importance of your special event and is committed to its success.

The following pricing is as of January 1, 2019.

For more information, please contact Patricia Adair at or cal 705-567-9291 ext. 3681.


Room Rentals Cost of Rooms Half Day Rate 0-4 Hrs
A102/A134 Boardroom (18 seats) $150 / Day $75/Half Day
Lecture Theatre $150/ Day $75/Half Day
Classroom – Small $100 / Day $50/Half Day
Classroom – Large (G240) $150 / Day $75/Half Day
Student Lounge $250 / Day $125/Half Day
Computer Lab $350 / Day $175/Half Day
Auditorium – Max Capacity 500 People $350 / Day $175/Half Day
Gymnasium – Max Capacity 900 People $450 / Day Use $225/Half Day
Gymnasium – Max Capacity 900 People $550 / Night Use $275/Half Day
Cafeteria – Max Capacity 200 People $350 / Day $175/Half Day


Service Charges Cost / Service
Parking Weekday parking rates apply ($5/vehicle)
Co-ordination Fee $35/Hour
Set-Up $35 / Hour / Caretaker
Caretaker $35 / Hour
Maintenance $35 / Hour
Audio/Visual Technician $35 / Hour
IT Technician Services $75 / Hour
Stage $150 for use of stage and set up
Hydro Inspection $125 (Includes Taxes)
Electrician $50 / Hour
Security Guards Contracted out for certain events
Liquor License Extension Fee for outdoor area $200
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