Student Handbook

Student Handbook

Northern College has a number of policies and procedures to govern its operation.

This document is meant to provide guidance and advice to members of the College community, in a number of academic and operational areas. Within the College, each functional area develops, maintains, and revises these documents to reflect current needs and realities.

Students are encouraged to become familiar with college and departmental policies and procedures. Failure to comply with such regulations may jeopardize a student’s standing in a program.

Academic and Student Success Services
President and CEO Mitch Dumas
Senior Vice President, Corporate Services Glenn MacDougall, Acting
Senior Vice President, Academic and Student Success Dean Lessard
Academic and Student Success Services
Dean, Sciences Douglas Clark
Dean, Trades, Technology and Apprenticeship Jamie Johnston
Dean, Business and Community Services Christine Raycraft
Dean, Health Sciences and Emergency Services Sarah Campbell
Manager, Applied Research, Entrepreneurship and Innovation Andrew Balmakoon
Manager, International Operations Edna Zhang
Campus and Student Services
Executive Director, Student Services, Institutional Research & Registrar Jennifer Moorlag
Manager, Indigenous Services and Initiatives Shane Polson, Acting
Campus Manager, Haileybury Campus Tammy Mackey
Campus Manager, Kirkland Lake Campus Drew Enouy
Campus Manager, Moosonee Campus Willard Small, Acting
Campus Manager, Timmins Campus Shanna Lecuyer
Marketing, Communications, and External Relations
Director, Marketing, Communications & External Relations (Student Recruitment) Jaret Dicks
Manager, Marketing, Communications & External Relations Melanie Kozlow
Chief Cultural Officer Vacant
Northern Training Division and Employment Services
Executive Director, Community, Business Development and Employment Services Andrew Balmakoon
Manager, Employment Services and Academic Upgrading Christine Bender

Northern College president Mitch DumasWelcome and thank you for choosing Northern College as your post-secondary destination.

For you our students, we dedicate ourselves to our mission and strive for excellence in education. This excellence trickles down to the experiences and opportunities you will have access to during your time with us.

You have taken that first step in this education journey that will transform your life and forever change your future. Whether it be a diploma, advanced diploma, degree, graduate certificate, apprenticeship or a micro-credential, Northern is here to help guide you and prepare you for your career path. The faculty, staff and administrators are here for you and ready to help you achieve your level of success, all while creating lifelong friendships and memories.

The College is connected to the local community and through our mission we strive to build community across the North through partnerships. These connections allow students upon graduation the prospect to explore available opportunities within our communities.

Local partners are key to your success. They ensure our programs remain relevant and the curriculum is up to date for what they need from you upon graduation. We are committed to ensuring the delivery is of a high-quality and the educational experience has a unique Northern flare.

Everything we do, from admission to graduation, is intended for you to succeed and achieve your educational goals.

Thank you again for choosing Northern College.

On behalf of our entire staff and Board of Governors, welcome to Northern College!

Mitch Dumas
President & CEO

It is with great pleasure that I extend a warm welcome to you on behalf of Student Services and the Registrar’s Office at Northern College. Our team is here to support you throughout your academic journey, ensuring that your experience at Northern is educational, enriching and helps you meet your personal and professional goals.

Student Services and the Registrar’s Office serve an important role as the central hub for student advising, accessibility services, student life, admissions, registration, academic records and credential production.  Our team is dedicated to ensuring that you have the resources and information you need to succeed in your academic pursuits.

Whether you are a new student embarking on your academic adventure or a returning member of our College community, I encourage you to explore all that Northern has to offer. The College offers a wide variety of student resources, supports and activities that are in place to champion your participation in the College community and to assist on your road to success and eventual graduation.

Thank you for making Northern College your educational choice. We look forward to being part of your academic journey and witnessing your growth and achievements.


Jennifer Moorlag
Executive Director, Student Services, Institutional Research & Registrar

Northern College has a number of policies and procedures to govern its operation.  These documents are meant to provide guidance and advice to members of the College community, in a number of academic and operational areas.  Within the College, each functional area develops, maintains, and revises these documents to reflect current needs and realities.

Students are encouraged to become familiar with college and departmental policies and procedures.  Failure to comply with such regulations may jeopardize a student’s standing in a program.

Current up-to-date academic policies and procedures are available.

2.1 General

2.1.1 Rights


  • A quality education
  • Be provided with a current course outline for each course which states the objectives of the course, the teaching methods, and the evaluation process including information on assignments, tests and examinations.
  • Information concerning program and graduation requirements, academic regulations, admissions. This information should include, where appropriate, Prerequisites for Courses, Method of Evaluation, Course Descriptions, Timetables, Course Availability, Costs.
  • Know the College’s definitions of academic dishonesty which includes cheating and plagiarism and the consequences of their detection. (Refer to Academic Policy # A-24 – Academic Integrity)
  • Expect that adequate measures will be taken by the Faculty to ensure that academic dishonesty does not occur.
  • Know what is expected with regard to class attendance and punctuality.
  • Receive instruction for the curriculum as stated in the course outline.
  • Be notified of class cancellations as soon as possible (exclusive of individual notification). It is the responsibility of the Faculty or department to post all cancellations.
  • Expect that classes will start and end on time.
  • Be informed by the Faculty of any rule changes with regard to classroom procedures.
  • Expect that their grades will be confidential.
  • See and review all of their graded personal work with the Faculty. Any document not picked up by the student from the Faculty, by the last day of classes, will be discarded. No student may pick up another student’s work.
  • Be notified on the length of time that any submitted work will be kept by the Faculty member in question.
  • Have submitted work returned in a reasonable period of time. Please refer to the course outline for specific timelines.
  • View any record that exists in their student files at the College.

2.1.2 Responsibilities


  • Officially register and have fees paid before an applicant will be considered as a student.
  • Follow the procedures to register for, change, or withdraw from a course and/or program as outlined in the Academic Calendar and Student Handbook.
  • Arrive at class on time and remain for the duration of scheduled classes and activities. In the event that a student must arrive late or must leave early, the student must be considerate not to disrupt the class while entering or exiting the classroom or extended classroom.
  • Respect the Faculty’s right to formulate and enforce attendance policies within the guidelines set by the academic department.
  • Respect the College’s right to determine course content, methodology, and evaluation within the guidelines set by the academic department.
  • Respect the Faculty’s right to set deadlines for assigned work, and to establish penalties for failure to comply with the deadlines.
  • It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that all assignments are given directly to the Faculty, unless it has been specified otherwise in a particular instance.
  • Submit work that is their own. It is the student’s obligation to know what is considered academic dishonesty (plagiarism and other forms of cheating) and their consequences.
  • Bring instances of cheating to the attention of the appropriate Faculty member.
  • Write tests and final examinations at the times scheduled by the Faculty member of the College.
  • Assume responsibility for classes missed. Departmental policies may allow for requests for a note from Physician to support absenteeism.
  • Respect the Faculty’s right to expect decorum and appropriate classroom behaviour by all students. Should a student be disruptive and/or disrespectful, the Faculty has the right to take immediate action to exclude the disruptive student from any further learning activities.
  • If the Faculty notes electronic devices being used inappropriately during class time, the student may be asked to leave the classroom for the duration of that class period. It is the right of the Faculty to do so as part of their responsibility for classroom management. (Refer to Section 7)
  • Be responsible for keeping all quizzes, tests, papers, essays or other assignments returned in the event of a grade review. Students are encouraged to always keep a copy of work submitted as a protection against loss.
  • Expect to wait at least fifteen (15) minutes for a Faculty to arrive at class before leaving, unless otherwise notified.
  • Conform to acceptable behaviour in the learning environment as established by their Faculty (classrooms, laboratories, shops, clinical work, fieldwork placements, etc.). Students who fail to conform to these expectations will be subject to discipline under the Student Code of Conduct.

2.2 Non-Academic

2.2.1 Rights


  • Equitable treatment by the College. This right must not be impaired by discrimination based on race, ancestry, place of origin, color, ethnic origin, citizenship, marital status, family status, creed, sex, sexual orientation, age or disability.
  • Have published and made available on request, the rules and regulations of the College affecting students.
  • Make representations (including reasonable complaints, petitions) to the Campus Manager for changes in rules and regulations. Feedback/Comment Form available online.
  • A learning environment which is safe and conducive to learning.
  • Be free from any and all harassment and discrimination. Refer to Respectful College Community Policy (Harassment, Violence, and Discrimination) available on Policies and Reports or by contacting Advising Services or the Campus Manager.

2.2.2 Responsibilities and Expectations


  • 2.2.1 Be held fully accountable for their actions while at the College, and while participating in any College-organized function.
  • 2.2.2 Be responsible for becoming familiar with the rules and policies of the College available on Policy and Reports, referenced in the Student Handbook, and/or official communiqués released by the College.
  • 2.2.3 Respect the physical and emotional well-being, and the sense of personal worth and dignity of other students and members of the College community.
  • 2.2.4 Refrain from conduct which harms or threatens harm to the rights of members or guests of the College; the safety and well-being of members or guests of the College; property and facilities of the College or of its members or guests; the proper functioning of College programs or activities.
  • 2.2.5 Refrain from: assault or threat of assault, harassment or discrimination in contravention of the principles articulated in the Ontario Human Rights Code, the Occupational Health and Safety Act or the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, theft, defacement or destruction of property, unauthorized entry or trespass, creating disturbances and disruptions, and failing to maintain a safe, healthy learning environment.
  • 2.2.6 Abide by the regulations, rules, practices, and procedures of the College and its academic and administrative units.
  • 2.2.7 Abide by reasonable instructions given orally, or in writing, by any official of the College authorized to secure compliance with such regulations, rules, practices and procedures, provided that the official is identified and is acting in an official capacity. (Refer to Section 2.8.3)

2.3 Definitions and Terms

In accordance with our Conflict Resolution Policy & Procedure, Sexual Assault & Sexual Violence Policy, Respectful College Community, (Harassment, Violence, and Discrimination) and for the purposes of this handbook, Northern College defines the following acts as:

Engaging in a course of vexatious comment or conduct against a person in that is known or ought reasonably to be known to be unwelcome.

Examples of harassment include, but are not limited to:

  • Unwelcome jokes, slurs, innuendoes or taunting;
  • Behaviour or conduct which might reasonably be expected to cause harm, discomfort, offence or humiliation;
  • Body language or gestures that are disrespectful;
  • Inappropriate communication via electronic mail and/or attainment, display and distribution of improper information from the internet;
  • Inappropriate, unwelcome touching, come-ons or sexual flirtation;
  • Display of sexually offensive pictures or objects.

Harassment does not include:

  • Performance management, coaching, feedback, performance appraisals, and performance improvement plans;
  • Appropriate and justifiable disciplinary action;
  • Providing fair and reasonable constructive feedback or evaluation;
  • Voicing minor differences of opinion;
  • Showing frustration or annoyance, where such behaviour is objectively justified and displayed in a respectful manner without any threat of violence, intimidation or other reprisals, and where it is shown only on an occasional basis.

One or a series of action(s) or behaviour(s) related to one or more of the prohibited grounds, as defined by the Ontario Human Rights Code (“the Code”), that results in unfavourable or adverse treatment which negatively affects or could negatively affect the employment status of an employee or the status of a student.

Negative or Poisoned Environment
Refers to one or a series of comments or conduct that creates a negative environment (i.e. an offensive or intimidating climate for individuals or groups and related to the prohibited grounds identified in the Human Rights Code). The comment or conduct must be of a significant nature or degree and have the effect of “poisoning” the environment. A complainant does not have to be a direct target to be adversely affected by a negative environment.

Vexatious or Bad Faith Complaint
A complaint in which a complainant makes allegations knowing them to be false or submits a complaint for a purely malicious or vindictive purpose.


  • The exercise of physical force against or by a College Community Member, that causes or could cause physical injury, including but not limited to, physical acts such as punching, hitting, kicking, pushing, damaging property, or throwing objects;
  • An attempt to exercise physical force against a College Community Member, that could cause physical injury to the person;
  • A statement or behaviour (or series of statements or pattern of behaviour) that it is reasonably interpreted to be a threat of physical harm or a threat to safety and security in the College Setting.

Sexual Assault
A criminal offence under the Criminal Code of Canada. Sexual assault is any type of unwanted sexual act done by one person to another that violates the sexual integrity of the victim and involves a range of behaviours from any unwanted touching to penetration. Sexual assault is characterized by a broad range of behaviours that involve the use of force, threats, or control towards a person, which makes that person feel uncomfortable, distressed, frightened, threatened, or that is carried out in circumstances in which the person has not freely agreed, consented to, or is incapable of consenting to.

Sexual Violence
A broad term that describes any violence, physical or psychological, carried out through sexual means or by targeting sexuality, gender identity or gender expression. This violence takes different forms including sexual abuse and sexual assault.

Sexual Harassment
Engaging in a course of vexatious comment or conduct against a College Community Member in a because of sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression, where the course of comment or conduct is known or ought reasonably to be known to be unwelcome, or

Making a sexual solicitation or advance where the person making the solicitation or advance is in a position to confer, grant or deny a benefit or advancement to the College Community Member and the person knows or ought reasonably to know that the solicitation or advance is unwelcome;

The voluntary and explicit agreement to engage in the sexual activity in question. It is the act of willingly agreeing to engage in specific sexual behaviour, and requires that a person is able to freely choose between two options: yes and no. This means that there must be an understandable exchange of affirmative words, which indicates a willingness to participate in mutually agreed upon sexual activity. It is also imperative that everyone understands the following:

  • Silence or non‐communication must never be interpreted as consent and a person in a state of diminished judgment cannot consent;
  • A person is incapable of giving consent if they are asleep, unconscious or otherwise unable to communicate;
  • A person who has been threatened or coerced (i.e. is not agreeing voluntarily) into engaging in the sexual activity is not consenting to it;
  • A person who is drugged is unable to consent.
  • A person is usually unable to give consent when under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs;
  • A person may be unable to give consent if they have a mental disability preventing them from fully understanding the sexual acts;
  • The fact that consent was given in the past to a sexual or dating relationship does not mean that consent is deemed to exist for all future sexual activity;
  • A person can withdraw consent at any time during the course of a sexual encounter;
  • A person is incapable of giving consent to a person in a position of trust, power, or authority, such as, a faculty member initiating a relationship with a student who they teach, an administrator in a relationship with anyone who reports to that position.
  • Consent cannot be given on behalf of another person.

A form of criminal harassment prohibited by the Criminal Code of Canada. It involves behaviours that occur on more than one occasion and which collectively instill fear in the victim or threaten the victim/target’s safety or mental health. Stalking can also include threats of harm to the target’s friends and/or family. These behaviours include but are not limited to non‐consensual communications (face to face, phone, email, social media); threatening or obscene gestures; surveillance; sending unsolicited gifts; “creeping” via social media/cyber‐stalking; and uttering threats.

2.4 Student Code of Conduct

Northern College is a diverse community. The College is committed to promoting and supporting a learning environment where everyone can study in an atmosphere free of harassing or demeaning treatment. The College strives to maintain a climate of mutual respect. Everyone at Northern College is expected to be guided by the College’s Vision and Mission and to practice basic principles of mutual respect.

Students are expected to be familiar with, and abide by the College policies which can be obtained from Policies and Reports.


The Code of Conduct is intended to ensure that each member of the College community enjoys satisfactory conditions in which to work and study with resulting benefits to all. Students are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that will not discredit themselves or the College. Each student must adhere to public laws and College policies. Students who breach these laws and policies will be subject to consequences that increase with the severity of the misconduct. It is the intent of the College to deal with matters of student misconduct as outlined below. Every student involved in any form of alleged misconduct will be given an opportunity to present their case to the appropriate College official.

2.4.1 Disciplinary Procedure

Student Notification
Any student accused of alleged misconduct will receive written notification outlining the details of the infraction. The student will be required to meet with the originator of the letter within five (5) working days of the delivery. Depending on the outcome of the meeting, the following disciplinary procedures may be followed. If the student fails to attend a scheduled meeting without notification, the college reserves the right to enact disciplinary actions.

Note: Depending on the severity of the incident, the college may be required to move to step 2, 3 or 4 immediately

Step 1 – Warning

The first action for the infringement of the Code of Conduct is normally a warning. At this stage, the student will receive a letter inviting them to meet with an advisor to discuss the matter followed by a letter indicating the improper conduct as well as outlining the next three stages of the policy should there be a repeat occurrence.

A copy of any warning issued to a student will remain in the student’s file for the duration of their studies. A Behavioural Contract may be implemented at this point outlining the expected behaviours and consequences if there is to be further non-compliance of the rules.

Step 2 – Probation

The second action for the infringement of the Code of Conduct is probation which may be imposed for repeat incidents outlined in Step 1 – Warning or for more serious breaches of the Code of Conduct. A meeting with the student will be held and then the letter of probation will follow, sent by the Campus Managers or Dean. A copy of the letter will remain in the student’s file for the duration of their studies. The probationary period will be set for a determined amount of time. A Behavioural Contract may accompany the probation period.

Step 3 – Suspension from College

A third action resulting from the infringement of the Code of Conduct is suspension from the College and may be imposed by the Executive Director of Student Services (or designate) and/or the Dean, normally for a maximum of three (3) working days. The severity of the misconduct determines the length of the suspension.

The suspension will take effect at a time determined by the Executive Director of Student Services or Dean (or designate), with the length of the suspension and the dates in effect being conveyed in writing. A meeting with the student will be held and then a copy of the letter will remain in the student’s file for the duration of their studies or upon graduation. The student may or may not be permitted to participate in mandatory exams, labs, classes, or any other College activity, including field work or co-op placements during the term of their suspension. A non-trespass order may be included with the suspension if deemed necessary.

Step 4 – Dismissal

The final action for infringement of the Code of Conduct is dismissal and may be imposed for serious offences and/or for additional offences following a suspension. This step will be initiated by the Executive Director of Student Services or Dean (or designate) in consultation with a Vice-President. A meeting will be held with the student and then will be communicated to the student in writing. A copy of the letter will remain in the student’s file. The dismissal would take immediate effect upon determining this action was necessary and the student will be dismissed for a minimum of one (1) calendar year and will be required to meet with a College Administrator prior to being accepted into any future program.

Any sanction imposed by the College does not in any way influence whether the College will contact the legal authorities and, if warranted, result in charges being laid.

The progression of the disciplinary procedure depends on the severity of the misconduct. While a student will normally be subject to the entire four (4) steps, the severity of the misconduct may dictate the probation, suspension, or dismissal be initially imposed.

NOTE: Students living in the College Residence may be given notice of eviction upon determination of their dismissal.

Fundamental to these rights are the processes of appeal that are available to students. Northern College has three main avenues through which appeals can be reviewed:

  1. Academic-related appeals through the Academic Appeal Procedure (Refer to Academic Policy #A-5 – Academic Appeals Policy)
  1. Conflict Resolution Policy and Procedure
  2. General and non-academic issues as outlined in the section below.

2.5 Appealing the Student Code of Conduct

2.5.1 Appeal Procedures for Steps 1, 2, 3 and 4

Steps 1 and 2 can be appealed to the Executive Director of Student Services (or designate) and Step 3 and 4 to a Vice-President of Academic and Student Success within five (5) working days of the written communication. It is the responsibility of the student to initiate an appeal through the Campus Manager (or designate).

Appeals for Step 3 and 4 must be accompanied by a fee deposit from the student paid to Student Services. If the student is successful in their appeal, the fee deposit will be refunded to the student’s account. If the college upholds the decision initially imposed, the fee deposit will be retained by the College.

Please refer to the Ancillary Fees Schedule or the Student Services Office for appeal fees.

2.5.2 Appeal Procedure

Appeals for Step 1 and 2

A student appealing step 1 or 2 will submit a letter directly to the Campus Manager outlining the details and rationale of the appeal. The Campus Manager, in conjunction with the Executive Director, will determine next steps. These steps may include an opportunity to meet to garner more information or a direct response in the form of written notice.

For Step 3 and 4 – Suspension and Dismissal Appeal Committee
Membership of Appeal Committee:

  • Administrator or Faculty member (outside program of study);
  • One student selected by Northern College Student Association (NCSA);
  • Campus Manager (or designate)
  • Executive Director of Student Services (or designate) and/or the Vice President of Academic and Student Success (or designate)

The Chair of the Committee will be the Vice President of Academic (or designate). Rulings are made by the Chair of the Committee and are considered final. Appeal Procedures for Step 3 and 4
Any student of Northern College who feels that their situation falls under the jurisdiction of the Appeal Committee must follow these procedures:

  • The appeal must be presented in writing and fully documented to the Chair of the Appeal Committee, within five (5) working days of the dismissal letter’s delivery date. An appeal meeting will be scheduled within three (3) days of receiving the written appeal.
  • The individual and the party or parties aggrieved shall be given the opportunity to make presentations to the Appeal Committee. The Committee will respond within five (5) working days of the meeting.
  • The Student may be accompanied by a support person and may call support persons to appear on their behalf. Students may consult with a third party during any part of the process (e.g. student, peer or Student Advisor).
  • In all appeals, a list of participants must be provided to the Chair of the Appeal Committee at least three (3) working day prior to the scheduled hearing date.
  • If legal counsel* is consulted, the student must advise the Chair, in writing. Remuneration for legal counsel is the total responsibility of the individual regardless of the outcome.
  • This process is internal. By initiating an appeal, the individual does not waive the right to exercise any other legal rights or remedies. Time limits prescribed in this process may be extended at the discretion of the Committee.
  • Under some circumstances, the student will not be permitted to attend class during the appeal.

*Remuneration for legal counsel is the total responsibility of the individual regardless of the outcome.

2.6 Sexual Assault and Sexual Violence

All members of the Northern College community have a right to work and study in an environment that is free from any form of sexual violence and sexual harassment. This policy and its related procedure explains how the College addresses sexual violence and sexual harassment.  It ensures that those affected by sexual violence and sexual harassment are believed  and appropriately accommodated and ensures, that the College has a process of investigation that protects the rights of individuals and holds individuals who have committed an act of sexual violence or sexual harassment accountable.

Sexual assault, sexual violence and sexual harassment and are unacceptable and will not be tolerated. We are committed to challenging and preventing sexual violence and creating a safe space for anyone in our College community who has been affected by sexual violence and sexual harassment.

All reported incidents of sexual violence will be investigated to the best of the administration’s ability and in a manner that ensures due process. It is this policy’s intention to make individuals feel comfortable about making a report in good faith about sexual violence that they have experienced or witnessed.

We recognize that sexual violence and sexual harassment can occur between individuals regardless of sexual orientation, gender, and gender identity or relationship status as articulated in the Ontario Human Rights Code. We also recognize that individuals who have experienced sexual violence may experience emotional, academic or other difficulties.

Northern College is committed to:

  • assisting those who have been affected by sexual violence and sexual harassment by providing choices, including detailed information and support, such as referral to counselling and medical care, information about legal options, and appropriate work, academic and other accommodation;
  • ensuring that those who disclose that they have been sexually assaulted and/or harassed are believed, and that their right to dignity and respect is protected throughout the process of disclosure, investigation, and institutional response;
  • addressing harmful attitudes and behaviors (e.g., adhering to myths of sexual violence/harassment) that reinforce that the person who experienced sexual violence/harassment is somehow to blame for what happened;
  • treating individuals who disclose sexual violence/harassment with compassion recognizing that they are the final decision-makers about their own best interests;
  • ensuring that on-campus (internal) investigation procedures are available in the case of sexual violence/harassment, even when the individual chooses not to make a report to the police;
  • engaging in appropriate procedures for investigation and adjudication of a complaint which are in accordance with College policies, standards and applicable collective agreements, and that ensure fairness and due process;
  • ensuring coordination and communication among the various departments who are most likely to be involved in the response to sexual violence/harassment on campus;
  • engaging in public education and prevention activities;
  • providing information to the College community about the College’s sexual violence/harassment policies and protocols;
  • providing appropriate education and training to the College community about responding to the disclosure of sexual violence/harassment;
  • contributing to the creation of a campus atmosphere in which sexual violence/harassment is not tolerated;
  • monitoring and updating policies and procedures to ensure that they remain effective and in line with other existing policies and best practices and;
  • informing the complainant and respondent of the results of its investigation in writing.

For full policy details, please see Policies and Reports.

Sexual violence and sexual harassment support services are available onsite at each campus by visiting Advising Services.

Good2Talk is a free, confidential helpline providing professional counselling and information and referrals for mental health, addictions and well-being to post-secondary students in Ontario, 24/7/365. 1-866-925-5454 or


2.7 Sexual Misconduct Policy (Bill 26- Strengthening Post-Secondary Institutions and Students Act)

All students of Northern College have a right to work and study in an environment that is free from any form of sexual misconduct. This policy and its related procedures set out the way in which the College addresses sexual misconduct. It ensures that policies, procedures and processes are in place to address individuals affected by sexual misconduct, the rules or standards of sexual behaviour involving employees and students, that students have a means of reporting sexual misconduct, there is an investigation process, there are disciplinary measures for acts of sexual misconduct and there are clear guidelines regarding no re-employment.

Northern College strictly prohibits acts of sexual misconduct as defined by this policy and is committed to maintaining a respectful academic and working environment for students.

For full policy and procedure details, please see Policies and Reports.


2.8 Student Services

2.8.1 Open Learning (Correspondence Courses) – Distance Learning

Northern College offers students an opportunity to study in a select range of courses and/or programs through a correspondence mode of delivery. These tutor-supported courses can be completed without the use of a computer and may be recognized as part of certificate or diploma programs. Students are advised to consult with their program and OntarioLearn coordinator before enrolling in any course(s) intended for recognition in a program of study. Not all courses and/or programs will be available in all semesters. For more information and current course availability, contact Distance Learning at the 705-235-3211 ext. 2183 or

2.8.2 On-Line Courses – Distance Education through OntarioLearn provides students the opportunity to choose from over 1,000 courses available on-line that are offered by the 24 community colleges in Ontario.

Students taking post-secondary studies may be provided the opportunity to experience one on-line course during their program of study, normally one of the required general education credits. A list of eligible courses will be available from your Program Coordinator. Students are reminded that they must comply and be subject to course policies as outlined by the host college when they register in an OntarioLearn course. Additional fees may apply. Students are advised to consult with their program and OntarioLearn coordinator before enrolling in any course(s) intended for recognition in a program of study. Not all courses and/or programs will be available in all semesters through OntarioLearn and may be subject to cancellation due to insufficient enrolment.

To view what on-line courses are being offered, go to or contact the OntarioLearn Coordinator for Northern College at 705-235-3211 ext. 2183 or

2.8.3 Advising Services

Northern College provides career, education and other advising services for its students. These services are offered by the Student Life, Indigenous, International, Student Academic Success and Accessibility Services Advisors. All of the Advisors are available to assist students with orientation, academic and individual advising and advocacy. Students requiring personal counseling will be referred to the appropriate resource people. The Financial Aid Officer is also available for advice on financial assistance and planning. Accessibility Services

Northern College is committed to ensuring accessible, quality educational experiences for all students, and respecting the rights of persons with disabilities to receive accommodations. Accessibility Services ensures that the academic environment is accessible whether you are onsite or online. Barriers to learning are identified and resources are offered to support learning.

Students who learn differently or who have physical challenges are encouraged to contact the advisors in Accessibility Services to discuss their program of study and any accommodations required. Accommodations are the adjustments, adaptations, and assistive devices that students with disabilities require to complete their studies. Some examples of accommodations include: tests outside the class, extra time on tests, access to calculators, formula sheets/memory aids, electronic textbooks, and tests in alternate format.

Accommodations and supports are provided on an individualized basis. Documentation is required from a regulated health care professional confirming a disability and identifying the functional limitations you will experience in post-secondary education. Interim accommodations may be provided to students who are being assessed or waiting on documentation. Note: It is not a requirement to provide a specific diagnosis to access accommodations and support services at Northern College.

Accessibility services are designed for students who may have restrictions resulting from a physical, sensory, or mental health Issue. Reach out for assistance if you live with:

  • Hearing impairments
  • Visual impairments
  • Mobility impairments
  • Learning differences/ADHD
  • Mental health conditions (including anxiety and stress)
  • Medical conditions Learning Strategist/Assistive Devices Technologist
Both the Learning Strategist and Assistive Devices Technologist provide support to students with disabilities. Access to specialized equipment and software is available and technological assistance and training is provided. In addition, updated psycho-educational assessments are facilitated and strategies in the areas of time management, study skills, note-taking and organization are available.

2.8.4 Student Academic Success Services

Student Academic Success Services are offered at all Northern College campuses. Services are available to provide the supports necessary for students to realize their fullest academic potential. Student Academic Success Services
The goal of Student Academic Success Services is to encourage student success by promoting early intervention strategies to all students including distance learners. The staff are committed to offering help with adjusting to college life through the mentorship program. Student Academic Success Advisors will get the answers you need to succeed. Guidance and support is offered to all students through individual meetings, workshops, computer boot camp and Peer Mentoring programs. Student Life
We’re here to help! Northern College recognizes the important role of education in personal growth and enhancing your quality of life. We’re here to support you – academically, socially and personally – with free, confidential Advising Services. Our goal is to help you maximize your potential in a safe and supportive environment.

We offer support that:

  • Helps you develop the skills, attitudes, abilities and insights to meet both academic and life challenges.
  • Assists you in overcoming personal challenges that may stand in the way of your success.
  • Connects you to additional community supports.
  • Promotes the wellness of the whole person – emotional, social, spiritual, intellectual and physical. Indigenous Advising Support
Please know that at any one of our four campuses, you will find the following supports specifically designed to meet the needs of Indigenous students:

  • Career Guidance/Course Selection
  • Assistance with Admission requirements
  • Interest and Aptitude Testing
  • Assistance with OCAS Application
  • Assistance with Financial Application
  • College Services
  • Scholarship/Bursary Information
  • Cultural guidance provided by Northern College staff including Elders
  • Celebration and teaching opportunities
  • Helps you develop the skills, attitudes, abilities and insights to meet both academic and life challenges
  • Promotes the wellness of the whole person – emotional, social, spiritual, intellectual and physical International Advisor
International Student Advising

  • Provide academic, career, personal and immigration advising as well as referral services to current international students as needed.
  • Guide and support students who exercise the appeal procedure for academic decisions
  • Provide one-on-one or group conflict resolution/mediation for peer and student-staff issues as needed
  • Reinforce the student code of conduct policy and disciplinary/appeal procedures
  • offers International students an orientation experience to ensure that students are provided with information needed for a successful transition to Northern College and our community
  • Supports and encourages cultural events throughout the year
  • Offers workshops and information sessions tailored to international students’ needs Peer Tutoring
Students who require additional support courses are encouraged to get help from Faculty and to access free the peer tutoring services. Students may be tutored through group or individual study. Students can contact Advising Services for assistance in accessing this resource.

2.8.5 Learning Resource Centres

Northern College Learning Resource Centres (LRC) are a focal point for information, collaborative study and research. They contribute to every aspect of academic and intellectual life at the college by providing a broad range of services to students, faculty, administration, staff and the community. LRCs provide students with access to an extensive collection of resources including books, periodicals, electronic databases, audio visual materials and reference materials. LRCs are equipped with computers that allow students to research as well as prepare papers and presentations. Group study rooms are available at some campuses for student use. Your student ID will be issued during orientation week and serves as your LRC card. Visit the LRC webpage at

2.8.6 Day Care Centre

Northern College operates a day care centre at the Moosonee campus. The children of students are given priority when registering for day care. Further information may be obtained from Student Services or directly from the College’s day care centre.

Students at the Kirkland Lake Campus may have access to the Second Street Daycare operated by an independent Board of Directors. For more information, please call 705-567-6930.

2.8.7 Housing

The Timmins Campus features a 120-room residence with private washrooms. Further information and application forms may be obtained from, or by calling 705-235-6800.

The Haileybury Residence is operated by Campus Living, an independent operator, featuring sixteen (16) apartment-style units (each housing four students), total capacity of sixty-four (64) beds. Each unit includes a kitchen with eat-in dining area, living room and two bathrooms. For further information and application forms may be obtained from or by contacting 705 980-1301 ext 7003 or

NOTE: The demand for residence accommodations usually exceeds spaces available. Various rental and room-and-board facilities are available in the communities served by the College. It is recommended that students access the Housing Registry tool now available at

In addition to the housing registry, students attending the Kirkland Lake Campus may contact Student Services at or 705-567-9291 ext. 3639.

2.8.8 Student Health and Dental Plan

A student health and dental plan is mandatory for full-time students at the Timmins, Kirkland Lake, and Haileybury Campuses. Students will automatically be assessed single fee rates. Students who have health benefit coverage elsewhere must officially opt-out by the end of September for fall start and January for winter start (Please refer to the Academic Calendar). Dates are subject to change. Application for dependent coverage must be made directly through the student health care providers ACL Student Benefits at for domestic students or Morecare/StudyInsured for international students.

The insurance plan remains in effect from the first day of classes until August 31 of the following year. Though the plan may not cover all expenses, it will alleviate many of the financial difficulties arising from injury or illness. Further inquiries concerning the student health and dental plan may be directed to the Northern College Student Association (NCSA).

NOTE: Timmins Campus students (whose permanent address is out of town or who do not have a family physician) have access to the on-campus East End Family Health Team. Services include Nurse Practitioner, Social Worker, Pharmacist, Nutritionist, as well as other health professionals. Students who require physical fitness forms, medical forms and immunizations may also obtain these at no extra cost. For more information, please call 705-235-6900.

Haileybury Campus students have access to on-campus health care once per week and have access to local clinic four days per week. To contact the Haileybury Campus clinic, please email

Visit our health and wellness page for more information relating to student health information, forms, resources and more.

2.8.9 Lockers

Schedule at the Student Services Office or at Ancillary Fees. The College assumes no responsibility for theft or loss of personal property. All students are warned against bringing valuables to the campus and leaving them unattended. All lockers must be vacated within thirty (30) days after each semester. All items left in the lockers will be destroyed or distributed at the discretion of the Northern College Student Association (NCSA).

2.8.10 Bursaries and Awards

Northern College awards student bursaries during the Fall and Winter semesters to qualified students.

Applications and information on the criteria and deadlines are available at BURSARIES & AWARDS or at any Student Services Office.


  • Some bursaries are NOT available via the Online Bursary Application Process.
  • Some bursaries are based on faculty nominations, administered by external organizations, and/or via mandated assistance programs etc.
  • Not all bursaries and awards are available at every campus.

Please check with your campus Financial Aid Officer for a complete list of bursaries and awards.

2.8.11 Student Employment Opportunities

Part-time student employment opportunities at the College may be available. For more information, contact your Financial Aid Officer or Advising staff. Other ‘Job Opportunities’ are posted at

2.8.12 Graduate Assistance

As a result of the partnerships established between the College and business/industry, employers often call seeking graduates for employment opportunities.

View Job Opportunities at

2.8.13 Alumni

Many benefits and opportunities await you as a registered alumnus of Northern College. The good news is you don’t need to wait until you graduate to take advantage of the many perks available to members of the Northern College Alumni Association. You’ll become part of a growing global family of Northern College students and graduates, connecting and networking with classmates, community and industry partners through the many events hosted by the Alumni Association each year.

Employers around the globe contact our Alumni Association to inquire about the graduates from many of our programs. Once you become a registered alumnus, you can tap into this unadvertised job market through our employment opportunity e-blasts. You’ll have access to discounts on home and automotive insurance, hotels, car rentals, admission to tourist attractions and much more!

Contact us today at 705-235-7210 by email at or visit

2.9 Children in the Classroom

Safety is everyone’s responsibility, and Northern College is committed to providing a healthy and safe learning environment. With this in mind, it is imperative that all students be aware that their children must not be brought into classes. Alternate arrangements must be made for personal child care. Bringing children to the College can be disruptive in classrooms and the Learning Resource Centres. As well, unsupervised children make it difficult for persons with accessibility issues attempting to access College facilities and services.

3.1 Payment of Fees

FULL-TIME STUDENTS both domestic and international students are required to pay a (non-refundable) deposit to secure their place in the program each academic year by the dates identified on the Northern College website.

Students are required to complete and sign the  Northern College Registration & Deposit Form provided on this page.

PART-TIME STUDENTS enrolled for individual or extra courses – fees are assessed on the basis of credit hours and/or contact hours per term. All part-time fees must be paid in full at the time of registration.

ACCEPTED METHODS OF PAYMENT: ONLINE PAYMENTS through the STUDENT PORTAL are encouraged. Cash, Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Debit, Internet Banking (with one of the five major banks), or cheque or money order made payable to Northern College are also accepted.

INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS:  Northern College has partnered with FLYWIRE to give international students and their families a fast, easy, and affordable way to pay Northern College in their own currency from a foreign bank. Payments from within Canada may be made as above. If Flywire is not supported in your country, please contact

SURCHARGE: A late registration fee will be added to the fees of any student who has not paid their semester tuition and ancillary fees by the published date on the Academic Calendar. An additional fee will be levied against the fees of any student who has outstanding fees in the winter semester as identified on the Academic Calendar.

DEFERRED PAYMENTS: A student’s payment may be deferred if funding is secured by the following: Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP), Service Canada, Workplace Safety Insurance Board (WSIB), Second Career or sponsorship from a First Nations Band.



3.2 Additional Fees

Additional fees will be assessed for each course in which a student is registered over and above his/her regular course load in a program of studies. Please contact Student Services or visit for further details.

3.3 Tax Receipts (T2202A)

Students can access and print T2202A’s by logging into the Student Portal.

3.4 Withdrawal (Refer to Academic Procedure #A-29-PR-8)

If the student officially withdraws:

  • Students who officially withdraw within the first ten (10) class days of the scheduled start of the semester will not incur academic penalties, tuition fees (with the exception of the non refundable deposit and non refundable fees) will be refunded;
  • Students who officially withdraw after ten (10) class days but prior the Academic Penalty withdrawal date will be not entitled for tuition refund for current semester. Tuition for the following semester will be refunded. Transcript will indicate “W” without failure.
  • Students who officially withdraw after Academic Penalty withdrawal date will be not entitled for tuition refund for current semester and transcript will indicate ‘F’. (

NOTE: Students enrolled in OntarioLearn courses must withdraw from their courses within the first two (2) weeks to be eligible for a refund. Northern College holds back a small fee for withdrawals. Withdrawal without academic penalty (all courses removed; no grade assigned) must be made prior to the date specified in the Academic Calendar; a grade of “W” will appear on the transcript. A grade of “F” will appear on the transcript for withdrawal after the date specified in the Academic Calendar.

Withdrawal forms are available from the Advising Services.

3.5 Postsecondary Graduation (Refer to Academic Policy #A-7)

Details about ceremonies, invitations, etc., will be distributed in the first month of the student’s final semester. A non-refundable fee of $100.00 is assessed in the first semester of a program. An additional fee of $100.00 will be applied to the third year of Technology and Business programs for their second credential.

In order to attend graduation, receive an official transcript, certificate or diploma, all debts owing to the College must be fully paid, all College property returned, and the student must have successfully completed his/her program requirements. The College reserves the right to withhold an official transcript, certificate or diploma from any candidate who has not met all of their financial or other obligations. The College reserves the right to determine who is eligible to attend convocation ceremonies.

NOTE: Students enrolled in a program in progress and where final grades are not available at the time of graduation will be allowed to participate in the graduation ceremonies; however, they will be deemed provisional graduates. Students pursuing a double diploma, where field placement is a requirement of each program, must complete both placements and pay the associated fees. Please refer to the Ancillary Fees Schedule for the diploma/certificate replacement fee or visit the Student Services Office.

3.6 Fieldwork/Clinical Placement Fee Information (Refer to Section 4.6)

Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP) does not grant additional financial aid to students who may be required to do an out-of-town placement. The limited availability of fieldwork and/or clinical settings and various mandatory placement settings, especially in the Community Services and Health Sciences/ Emergency Services area(s), does not always permit all students to do their placements/clinical in their home setting. For example, the Early Childhood Education program placement requires a minimum of three different settings, (at least one of which will be out of town). This may increase the student’s rental and/or travel expenses for those periods of time.

NOTICE TO ALL STUDENTS: It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that they are registered in the proper courses in the correct program. Failure to have corrections made by the dates appearing in the Academic Calendar may result in the student being responsible for additional assessment, not receiving a credit, or receiving a failing grade. The most recent version of our Academic Calendar is available.

4.1 Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act

(Refer to Section 5)

The confidentiality of all student records and documents is protected under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, R.S.O. 1990. Students have access to their college records and documents. A special request for release of information to third parties may be directed, in writing, to the Registrar for consideration. For more information, refer to the Act or contact the Registrar’s Office. Transcripts can be accessed or requested by logging into the Student Portal.

4.2 Student Academic Records Freedom of Information

(Refer to Section 5)

Student academic records are the property of the College. It is understood that Faculty, Advisors and Administrative Officers of the College who have a legitimate requirement for the material of record will be permitted access to the appropriate files. Academic records are considered confidential and will be released to external parties only on the students’ written request or consent. A student’s right to privacy in relation to his/her records is safeguarded as far as both internal College access and external public access is concerned, excepting members of a police service or sworn peace officers who, in the course of a criminal investigation, complete the form, Release of Information – Legal Authorities, thereby giving the officer access to a student’s record. Other public or legal bodies requesting student information shall be referred to the Office of the Registrar.

4.3 Student Responsibilities for Accurate Registration

Students are responsible for ensuring that course registrations identified on the Confirmation of Registration Form are accurate and complete. Any discrepancies should be reported immediately to the Student Services department. College policy stipulates that no changes to course registrations will take place after the tenth day of classes in any semester. After these dates, an academic penalty of “W” (Withdrawn) or “F” (Failed) will apply depending upon the actual date of withdrawal. Please refer to the Academic Calendar.

If a student is incorrectly registered in courses they are not attending and fails to officially withdraw in writing prior to the stated deadline, the student will receive an “F” on his/her transcript. If a student attends classes without being registered, they will not receive credit for the course(s).

4.4 Student Card

All students receive an official Confirmation of Registration Form during registration indicating their program and course selection. This documentation is needed to obtain a College Photo ID card. This card must be presented in order to use the services of the Learning Resource Centre, Gym Facilities as well as to attend College-sponsored events or functions such as pub nights. Lost or stolen photo ID cards may be replaced for a fee. Please refer to the Ancillary Fees Schedule for replacement card fee.

4.5 Timetables

Timetables may be obtained after registration in mid-August by logging into the Student Portal. Each student is responsible for verifying their timetable and to ensure they are registered in the proper courses and program of study. To discuss any problems, the student must contact their Program Coordinator. (Refer to Section 4.3)

IMPORTANT: Though every attempt is made to provide accurate timetables, they may be tentative, and subject to change. Timetables may undergo frequent and significant changes in the weeks leading up to the beginning of a semester and may continue to change significantly during the first month of classes.

4.6 Fieldwork/Clinical Placements

(Refer to Section 3.6)

An essential component of many college programs is experiential learning through clinical or field practice relevant to the program. To be eligible for clinical or field practice, students must have successfully completed all required program courses. Furthermore, to be eligible for participation in fieldwork practice in some agencies, students must not have been convicted of any criminal offence for which that person has not been pardoned. An unpardoned criminal record may result in inability to participate in clinical practice courses (at some clinical/placement agencies) and could prevent the student from graduating.

Students who do not comply with the immunization requirements, where they are applicable, may not be allowed into the fieldwork setting and as such, may not be able to complete the placements required for graduation from the program. Please refer to departmental policies for specific immunization details and other requirements.

Although there is a shared responsibility (in some programs) between the Faculty member and the student to find placements, the final decision regarding the clinical or field practice lies with the Faculty member/Clinical Facilitator and the Program Coordinator. Suitability of the placement is based on objectives outlined in the clinical or fieldwork manual, and the specific learning needs of the student and/or other criteria. Due to the autonomy of organizations, the College cannot guarantee to directly secure a clinical or fieldwork placement on behalf of the student. Although every effort is made to maximize use of local agencies and businesses, a need may arise to place students away from the College community (for which the student is financially responsible).


4.7 Change of Address and Contact information

(Refer to Section 12)

As the College mails a variety of materials to its students, it is important that addresses/ emails be correct. It is the student’s responsibility to inform Student Services immediately upon a change of address/email. The College cannot accept responsibility for delays or loss of materials due to an incorrect or out-dated mailing address/email.

4.8 International Students

International students at Northern College have some unique needs to ensure compliance with applicable regulations, personal needs in relocating to another country far from home, and academic needs in adjusting to a doubly new learning environment –post-secondary learning, and a different learning culture. International students are expected to be familiar with applicable college policies and procedures, especially concerning tuition payment, absences and withdrawals, and all International students are encouraged to consult the college’s online resource to assist with adjustments to Canadian learning culture, health care, housing, job search, and life in Timmins and Canada generally.

Please see:

5.1 Confidentiality of Records

In choosing to pursue a college education, students commit themselves to evaluation by college Faculty. The students are required to furnish the College with adequate documentation to support their admission, and the College, in turn, provides them with periodic feedback regarding their progress. With such personal and academic data in its possession, the College has the obligation to protect an individual’s right to privacy; thus, it must regard each student record as a unique, private and personal document to which access, use and disclosure is strictly controlled and governed by the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA).

To read the act go to

Use and Disclosure of Personal Information

Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act
R.S.O. 1990, CHAPTER F.31
Consolidation Period: From June 1, 2017 to the e-Laws currency date.
Last amendment: 2017, c. 14, Sched. 14, s. 14

Use of Personal Information

41. (1) An institution shall not use personal information in its custody or under its control except,

a) where the person to whom the information relates has identified that information in particular and consented to its use;

b) for the purpose for which it was obtained or compiled or for a consistent purpose;

c) for the purpose for which the information may be disclosed to the institution under section 42 or under section 32 of the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act; or

d) subject to subsection (2), an educational institution may use personal information in its alumni records and a hospital may use personal information in its records for the purpose of its own fundraising activities, if the personal information is reasonably necessary for the fundraising activities.

R.S.O. 1990, c. F.31, s. 41; 2005, c. 28, Sched. F, s. 5 (1); 2010, c. 25, s. 24(9).

Where Disclosure is Permitted

42. (1) An institution shall not disclose personal information in its custody or under its control except,

a) in accordance with part II;

b) where the person to whom the information relates has identified that information in particular and consented to its disclosure;

c) for the purpose for which it was obtained or compiled or for a consistent purpose;

d) where disclosure is made to an officer, employee, consultant or agent of the institution who needs the record in the performance of their duties and where disclosure is necessary and proper in the discharge of the institution’s functions;

e) for the purpose of complying with an Act of the Legislature or an Act of Parliament or a treaty, agreement or arrangement thereunder;

g) where disclosure is to an institution or a law enforcement agency in Canada to aid an investigation undertaken with a view to a law enforcement proceeding or from which a law enforcement proceeding is likely to result;

h) in compelling circumstances affecting the health and safety of an individual if upon disclosure notification thereof is mailed to the last known address of the individual to whom the information relates;

i) in compassionate circumstances to facilitate contact with the spouse, a close relative or a friend of an individual who is injured, ill or deceased.

5.2 Content of Student Record

5.2.1 Current Record

While a student is in attendance at the College, the following documents (electronic or paper format) comprise the student record: application form and its documentation, and admissions correspondence (e.g. testing results);

  • cumulative record of grades;
  • record of changes of status (e.g. grades changes, registration status); record of withdrawal;
  • any documentation from the College or third party sources which concern student’ admission, progress or status.
  • status (e.g. letters from sponsoring agency, record of disciplinary actions, etc.);
  • record of performance honours
  • record of financial assessment and/or payment, and/or Tuition Fee Agreement.

The computer-based student record maintains the full account of the students’ academic and financial status supported by the documentation identified above.

5.2.2 Permanent Record

Two years after a student leaves the College, the pertinent paper documentation in a student’s files will be destroyed.

5.3 Access to Student Record

(Refer to Student Academic Records (Freedom of Information) Academic Policy #A-18 (PDF, 639 KB) )

Basic guidelines governing the release of information are based on the belief that the Registrar acts with discretion upon authorization from the student. In response to third-party inquiries, therefore, what is public record only may be released, namely:

  • dates of student’s enrolment;
  • program in which they were enrolled;
  • date, when certificate/diploma was awarded

No further information will be released without student authorization. This applies typically to requests from prospective employers, police forces, credit bureaus, finance and loan companies, private investigation agencies, banks and similar organizations.

Members of a police force or sworn peace officers may, in the course of a criminal investigation, complete a Release of Information–Legal Authorities form thereby giving the officers access to the student’s record.

Requests for mass listings of directory information will be denied. Where such listings have in-house legitimacy, such as the facilitation of student elections, they may be released with discretion.

The contents of a student file will not leave the Office of the Registrar; nor will they be duplicated for that purpose. The exception will be made in the case where a court subpoena or a search warrant is in effect.

Documents from other institutions such as high school or university transcripts which are submitted to support a student’s application for admission and/or transfer credit may not be certified and released as part of the College record. If however, the College, by not doing so, may cause excessive hardship to the student, it may, at the discretion of the Registrar, and with notification to the student, forward such a transcript with an appropriate disclaimer attached, and marked to the receiver, “For your exclusive use only”.

5.3.1 Parents

Since the basis of all transactions with students assumes adult levels of responsibility, transcripts will not be released to parents or guardians without the student’s consent.

5.3.2 Sponsoring Agencies

A transcript will be released on request to those approved sponsoring agencies, such as Vocational Rehabilitation, Service Canada, WSIB, CIDA, DIA, etc., who provide financial support to the student in College and who supply authorization from the student to do so.

5.3.3 Government Agencies

Properly identified representatives of federal, provincial or local government agencies, including regional police, OPP, and RCMP, will be treated as any third party; that is, student authorization must accompany their request for information. If, in the opinion of the Registrar, however, denial of the information could involve hardship to the student, appropriate details may be released. Typically, this would involve notification of a family death, search for next of kin, and so on.

5.3.4 The Courts

In the event that a student record is subpoenaed by the court on behalf of the student, a certified copy of the full student record will be offered. Should the record be subpoenaed by the party other than that representing the student, a certified copy of the record will be offered to the judge alone, with an explanation of the College’s reluctance to release a private document without student authorization. The decision will then rest with the judge.

5.3.5 Researchers

Requests from researchers making statistical studies must be approved by the College’s Research Ethics Board (REB) and be approved by the President or his/her delegate under conditions that protect the student’s safety, privacy and guarantee the anonymity of the data collected.

5.4 Notice of Disclosure

Northern College is required to disclose personal information such as Ontario Education Numbers, student characteristics and educational outcomes to the Ministry under s.15 of Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter M.19, as amended. The Ministry collects this data for the purposes such as planning, allocating and administering public funding to colleges, universities and other post-secondary educational and training institutions and to conduct research and analysis, including longitudinal studies, and statistical activities conducted by or on behalf of the Ministry for purposes that relate to post-secondary education and training.

Further information on how the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities uses this personal information is available at website: (English) or (French) or by writing to:

Director, Post-secondary Finance Branch, Post-secondary Education Division
7th Floor, Mowat Block
900 Bay Street
Toronto, ON
M7A 1L2

In addition, the federal Statistics Act provides the legal authority for Statistics Canada to obtain access to personal information held by educational institutions. The information may be used for statistical purposes only, and the confidentiality provisions of the Statistics Act prevent the information from being released in any way that would identify a student. Students who do not wish to have their information used can ask Statistics Canada to remove their identifying information from the national database.

On request by a student, Statistics Canada will delete an individual’s contact information (name, address, or other personal identifiers) from the PSIS database.

To make such a request, please contact Statistics Canada:

Via telephone:
1-800-307-3382 or 1-613-951-7608
Monday to Friday – 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. EST/EDST

Via mail:
Institutional Surveys Section Centre for Education Statistics
Statistics Canada, Main Building
SC 2100-K Tunney’s Pasture
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0T6

6.1 Northern College Information Resources

Northern College makes computing and other information resource facilities available to its faculty, staff, students, and authorized external users. The goal of the facilities offered to these users is to provide an open and effective information technology infrastructure for instructional, development, and administrative use. Users have the right to expect that their rightful access to information technology, their use of network and equipment authorized to them, and their use of any other resources connected with their authorized access to services will be protected by the College to a degree that is reasonable and technically feasible. In order to preserve the integrity of the facilities against accidents, failures or improper use, Northern College reserves the right to limit, restrict or terminate a user’s access, and to inspect, copy, remove or otherwise alter any data, file, or system resource within the limitations set out below.

The use of Northern College information technology resources is extended to members of the College community (students, faculty and staff) to help them meet the objectives of their studies, research or job-related tasks.

Northern College makes no warranty, expressed or implied, regarding the computing services offered, or their fitness for any particular purpose. The computing facilities provided will be designed to serve the broad base of users in the community, but will be exercised to ensure high uptime and usage within resource limits of Northern College.

6.2 Proper Use of Information Resources, Information Technology and Networks

It is the policy of Northern College to maintain access for its community to local, national and international resources of information and to provide an atmosphere that encourages access to knowledge and sharing of information.

It is the policy of the College that information resources will be used by members of its community with respect for the public trust through which they have been provided and in accordance with policy and regulations established from time to time by the Board and Executive. The College works to create an environment in which students, staff and faculty may feel free to learn and collaborate with colleagues both at the College and at other institutions, with the knowledge that the products of their intellectual efforts will not be violated by misrepresentation, tampering, destruction and/or theft, as defined within the context of this policy.

Access to the information resource infrastructure both within the College and beyond the campuses, sharing of information, and security of the intellectual products of the community, all require that each and every user accept responsibility to protect the rights of the community. Any member of the College community who, without authorization, accesses, uses, destroys, alters, dismantles or disfigures College information technologies, properties or facilities, including those owned by third parties, thereby threatens the atmosphere of increased access and sincere sharing of information, threatens the security within which members of the community may create intellectual products and maintain records, and in light of Northern College’s policy in this area, has engaged in unethical, unacceptable or illegal conduct. Access to the networks and to the information technology environment at the College is a privilege and must be treated as such by all users of these systems.

To ensure the continued existence of this information resource environment, members of the College operations community may take actions directly and/or in concert with government agencies and other interested parties, to identify and to set up technical and procedural mechanisms to make the information technology environment at the College and its internal and external networks resistant to disruption.

In the final analysis, the health and well-being of this resource is the responsibility of its users who must guard against abuses which disrupt and/or threaten the long-term viability of the systems at Northern College and for those beyond the College. Northern College requires that members of its community act in accordance with these responsibilities, this policy, the College’s Human Resources Policies, Student Policies, copyright, relevant law and contractual obligations, and the highest standard of ethics. Though not exhaustive, the following defines the College’s position regarding several general issues in this area.

6.2.1 – Information resources in this section are meant to include any information in electronic or audio-visual format or any hardware or software that make possible the storage and use of such information. As an example, included in this definition are electronic mail, local databases, externally accessed databases, desktop and server computers, network hardware, CD-ROM, motion picture film, recorded magnetic media, photographs and digitized or digital information.

6.2.2 – The College characterizes as unethical and unacceptable, and just cause for taking disciplinary action up to and including discharge, suspension, expulsion, dismissal, financial penalties and/or legal action, any activity through which an individual who:

  • violates such matters as College or third-party copyright or patent protection and authorizations, as well as license agreements and other contracts;
  • interferes with the intended use of the information resources;
  • seeks to gain or gains unauthorized access to information resources;
  • without authorization, destroys, alters, dismantles, disfigures, prevents rightful access to or otherwise interferes with the integrity of computers and/or information resources;
  • without authorization, invades the privacy of individuals or entities, i.e. creators, authors, users, or subjects of information resources, or
  • makes use of the system for personal gain.

6.2.3 – This policy is applicable to any member of the College community, staff, faculty or student, whether at one of the campus locations or elsewhere, and refers to all information resources whether individually controlled, or shared, stand-alone or networked. Individual units within the College may define conditions or use for facilities under their control. These statements must be consistent with this overall policy but may provide additional detail, guidelines, and/or restrictions. Where such conditions of use exist, enforcement mechanisms defined therein shall apply. Where no enforcement mechanism exists, the applicable general policies and agreements of the College shall prevail. Where use of external networks is involved, policies governing such use also are applicable and must be adhered to.

6.3 Rights and Obligations of Northern College Staff

The staff of Northern College in general, has the right, within their jurisdiction, to carry out their responsibility to keep the College’s information technology facilities operating and available to the user community. It is acknowledged that there is a delicate balance between the absolute right of privacy of a user, and the need of the staff to investigate and correct disruptions in order to ensure the continued functioning of the facilities.

Northern College may, at any time, implement additional policies, procedures, and/or limitations as required at one or more of the College’s sites. In exceptional circumstances, where it is deemed necessary to protect the integrity of the system, designated staff members authorized by senior executive administrators of the College may be permitted to examine stored or printed data to gather sufficient information to diagnose and correct problems, or to determine if a user is acting in violation of College policy. In doing so, the Staff has an obligation to maintain the privacy of a user’s data unless legally obligated otherwise.

6.4 Procedure

Members of the College community are responsible to comply with Information Technology Policies and Procedures. Any attempt to violate the provisions of these policies, regardless of the success or failure of the attempt, will result in disciplinary action. Disciplinary action may range from reprimand, to loss of account privileges, to maximum penalties afforded under College policies.

Upon completion of an investigation, administrator(s) shall determine whether prima-facie evidence of misuse exists. A negative determination will result in no further action, return of account privileges and no record of the allegation. If positive determination is made, a detailed and complete report of the results of the investigation will be forwarded to a disciplinary body for action. The disciplinary body appropriate to the case will depend on the status and category of the alleged misuser of the resources.

Evidence and decisions of the disciplinary body may be retained on file for a period of seven years, pertaining to actions taken up to and including written warnings, discharge, suspension, expulsion, dismissal, financial penalties and/or legal action. Such evidence may be communicated to external law enforcement agencies to determine whether criminal activities exist and need further prosecution.

6.5 Copyright

Students enrolled at Northern College are considered to be responsible scholars, and therefore are expected to adhere to the principles of intellectual honesty.

It is the policy of Northern College to facilitate access to print, visual, virtual and electronic resources to further learning objectives in accordance with the Copyright Modernization Act, Northern College’s agreement with Access Copyright, and the Northern College Copyright Policy. Copying, selling, or distributing books, articles, periodicals, audio-visual and/or materials received through print and/or electronic communication, in which copyright subsists shall be done in accordance with the terms and conditions set out below:



  • up to 20 % of a copyright-protected work (including a literary work, musical score, sound recording, and an audiovisual work)
  • one chapter from a book
  • a single article from a periodical
  • an entire artistic work (including a painting, print, photograph, diagram, drawing, map, chart, and plan) from a copyright-projected work containing other artistic works
  • an entire newspaper article or page
  • an entire entry from an encyclopedia, annotated bibliography, dictionary or similar reference book

REMINDER: Always provide proper citations for short excerpts of material you have used in an assignment or presentation.

  • Watch or show a legally acquired (original copy) video/DVD in class if used for educational purposes.
  • Live-stream a YouTube video unless the copyright owner strictly prohibits educational use of the video.
  • Play a legally acquired (original copy) CD, record, cassette in class for educational purposes.
  • Make an electronic version of a photograph for educational purposes, giving credit to the creator.


  • Photocopy an entire textbook, student workbook, lab manual, study guide, or any other book used in any of your classes.
  • Copy or communicate more than 10% of a published work (book, magazine, journal, etc.).
  • Play a video/DVD that was taped from another video/DVD or from television.
  • Play a song, album, movie, video or any other type of multimedia file that was downloaded from the internet without written permission from the copyright holder.
  • Play a CD or DVD that was burned from another CD or DVD without written permission from the copyright holder.
  • Play a CD or DVD that was copied from a radio program without written permission from the copyright holder.


You can save, copy and share publicly available Internet materials for educational purposes. “Publicly available” materials are those posted online by content creators and copyright owners without any technological protection measures, such as a username or password intended to limit access.

Acceptable uses of publicly available Internet materials can be incorporating online text or images into homework assignments, performing music or plays online for peers, exchanging materials with instructors or peers, or re-posting a work to Blackboard.

This user’s right is not available:

  • unless students and educators cite the source of the Internet materials they use
  • if the publicly available Internet material is protected by a technological protection measure that restricts access
  • if the publicly available Internet material has a clearly visible notice (not merely a copyright symbol) prohibiting education use
  • if the educational user knows, or should have known, that the material was made available on the Internet without the consent of the copyright owner.


IDEAS: Copyright protects the way in which information is presented; it does not protect facts, ideas or information. Taking information from another web site and expressing it in your own words does not infringe copyright.

PUBLIC DOMAIN: Material which is in the public domain is not protected by copyright and can be copied freely. Fifty years after an author’s death, works produced by this author becomes part of the public domain. An author may also choose to place an item in the public domain by including a notice which grants permission for copying. In this case, there are often conditions to the use of the material, including credit to be given to the author.

For more information on copyright, refer to your Faculty or the Learning Resource Centre.

6.6 Network Policy

Staff will provide appropriate guidance to students as they make use of telecommunications and electronic information resources to conduct research and other studies related to Northern College’s curriculum. All students will be informed of their rights and responsibilities as users of the College network and associated resources, prior to gaining access to the network through applicable policies and/or procedures as found on the student information portal and/or student handbook.

All students are required to use their own log-in account as assigned. This information is provided to students at the time of registration. It is the responsibility of the student to ensure personal login credentials are kept secure and confidential and students are reminded they are responsible for any network activity associated to their account(s).

6.7 Internet and Email Rules

Students are responsible for appropriate behaviour on the College’s network and internet just as they are in a classroom or campus hallway. Communications on the Internet are often public nature. General College rules for behaviour and communications apply.

Internet access is provided for students to conduct research and communicate with others. Independent access to Internet services is provided to a student who agrees to act in a considerate and responsible manner. Access is a privilege, not a right. Access entails responsibility.

Individual users of the College’s network and internet are responsible for their behaviour and communications. It is presumed that users will comply with Northern College standards and will honour acceptable use agreements. Beyond the clarification of such standards, the College is not responsible for restricting, monitoring or controlling the communications of individuals utilizing the network or internet. Abuse as outlined above will result in a loss of privileges. Extreme cases may result in suspension or expulsion.

Network storage areas may be treated like college lockers. Network administrators may review and/or delete files and communications to maintain system integrity and ensure that users are using the system responsibly. Users should not expect that stored files will always be private.

NOTE: Students will be required to authenticate on the network using assigned credentials and thereby agree to the terms and conditions outlined at the time of authentication.

6.8 Activities Not Permitted

The following are activities and behaviours which are not permitted when utilizing the College’s network, computers and/or devices:

  • sending, displaying, downloading or printing offensive and/or pornographic messages or pictures;
  • using obscene language;
  • harassing, insulting or attacking others;
  • damaging computers, computer systems or computer networks;
  • violating copyright laws;
  • using others’ passwords and/or accounts;
  • trespassing in others’ folders, work or files;
  • intentionally wasting limited resources;
  • employing the Internet to commit a crime or for commercial purposes;
  • using chat lines, subscribing to inappropriate newsgroups, playing games or any other inappropriate use;
  • downloading including music or videos and installing any software on College computers;
  • using hacking tools of any type;
  • downloading, installing or distributing virus programs, or
  • connecting a non-college computer or device without authorization from the network administrator.

6.9 Sanctions

Violations of the rules set out above may result in a loss of access. Additional disciplinary action may be determined at the administrative level in line with existing practice regarding inappropriate language or behaviour. (Reference Section 2 – Students Rights and Responsibilities and 2.4 Student Code of Conduct). When applicable, law enforcement agencies will be involved.

6.10 Wireless Access Points

Wireless Access Points (hotspots) may be available to public users that have wireless-capability devices. These hotspots may be located in public areas such as cafeterias, Learning Resource Centres and other locations at different campuses of Northern College. Responsibility for firewall and security settings on an individual’s device rests solely with the individual and the College will not be liable for any corrupted or lost data while using wireless access connections at the College.

Northern College requires all students to have and use their own laptop computer. Course materials are posted online and many courses use online tests, or require students to submit their assignments online through the College’s Learning Management System. The College’s Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) program is mandatory for all students.

BYOD consists of any personal electronic device that can be used to access college resources. All Northern College programs have laptops listed as the minimum hardware requirement. While you may choose to use devices such as tablets or phones to access critical course information, you must also have a laptop that meets your programs minimum specifications in order to access essential course materials, take quizzes, tests and exams, and submit assignments.

Please visit Technology Support for Q&A, details and specific requirements about BYOD and to access the College’s BYOD policy.

7.1 Key Feature

Connect to the College network to access many of your program specific software applications*. In addition, all students at Northern College are provided access to Microsoft Office 365 suite of applications which may be downloaded directly to your windows or mac based laptop. Enjoy cost-savings and flexibility by purchasing e-texts* that go with you on your laptop to the classroom.

Enhanced college-wide wireless access. In between classes? Find a comfortable spot and connect to what you need from anywhere on our campuses. Access Blackboard Learn, the college learning management system to connect to the information and materials posted by professors from your laptop.

*Some software titles excluded and not all textbooks are available in e-text format.

7.2 Technical Support

Northern College Information Technology Services (ITS) will provide limited technical support for personal devices. This support will be limited to assisting with accessing network resources through the College network, and any required software installations. Northern also provides a 24/7/365 toll-free (1-866-999-0799) support number that students may call for assistance.

7.3 Use of Bring Your Own Devices

Electronic devices for purposes of this Student Handbook include, by their generic name, cell phones, iPods, iPads, laptops, PDAs (personal digital assistant), MP3s players, recording devices and any other device with Internet access capability, messaging capability and/or photo-taking capability

The policy of the College in respect to consumption of alcohol, cannabis, the non-medical use of illegal substances, and smoking on College premises is as follows:

  • Any instance of illegal consumption of alcoholic beverage including under-age drinking in the pub), cannabis (or the use of non-medicinal/illegal substances on College premises will be brought to the attention of a member of the College community (e.g. Campus Security, Campus Managers or designate).
  • The Administration makes every attempt to resolve matters in an educational manner rather than in a punitive manner. However, this does not exclude contacting the police if the situation appears justified.
  • Students who have been found guilty of illegal use of alcohol, drugs or found to have behaved inappropriately when intoxicated will be disciplined under the Student Code of Conduct. (Please refer to Section 2.4)
  • Anyone who would like assistance in dealing with problems related to substance use are reminded to contact Advising Services for access to resources to assist in these areas.
  • Smoking of tobacco, the use of electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes) to vape any substance, and the smoking of cannabis (medical and recreational) in enclosed workplaces and enclosed public places, is not permitted. Vaping refers to inhaling or exhaling vapour from an electronic cigarette or holding an activated electronic cigarette, whether or not the vapour contains nicotine.
  • Smoking is permitted ONLY in designated areas (smoking kiosks have been installed in some designated areas). Smoking is not permitted at any College entrance unless noted otherwise. Where there is a designated area located near an entrance, smoking is not permitted within thirty (30) feet of that entrance. Disciplinary action including fines and behavioural contracts may be implemented as detailed under the Code of Conduct. (Please refer to Section 2.4)
  • E-Cigarettes are covered under the Northern College Smoking Policy.
  • Smoking cannabis is not permitted on campus properties.

9.1 Background

For over 20 years, the Ministry of Colleges and Universities (MCU) and the colleges of applied arts and technology have defined five (5) Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) to measure, in a consistent manner across the college system, college performance against ministry stated goals and objectives.

These five KPI’s are:

  1. Graduate Employment
  2. Graduate Satisfaction
  3. Employer Satisfaction
  4. Student Satisfaction
  5. Graduation Rate

Since 1998, students, graduates and employers have been surveyed annually to measure their satisfaction with the programs, facilities and services offered by Colleges in Ontario. The KPI data are used by colleges to demonstrate their strengths and to identify where changes could be made to better meet the needs of students and employers. The ministry has also used the data to advise and inform government about the colleges and in the planning and policy making for the college system.

The first three (3) KPI’s – graduate employment, graduate satisfaction and employer satisfaction – have been used to distribute performance funding to the colleges.

Since 2019, the Ministry and the colleges have been engaged in examination and adjustments concerning KPI objectives and processes. Certain new outcomes-focused performance indicators have been mutually proposed together with systems for acquiring relevant, supporting data. Attention to the COVID-19 pandemic has delayed full implementation of a new Strategic Mandate Agreement (SMA) between MCU and Ontario’s colleges which would embrace new, proposed KPI’s. Therefore, Northern college and several others have continued to 2021 with the customary KPI model, including student surveying, until the proposed new SMA with its associated performance measures is in place. During this time, notably 2020-21, the college’s KPI student surveying was conducted online, not in print. The KPI surveying is expected to evolve still further in 2021-22 but, importantly, the fundamental elements of the surveying shall remain the same –students’ will have an opportunity to give fulsome feedback on the full range of college programming, services and facilities through a process which is independent from college administration.

9.2 Data Collection and Measurement

Graduate Employment and Graduate Satisfaction
Six (6) months after graduation, graduates will be contacted by phone by an independent research agency to complete the survey. The results of the survey provide valuable information on graduate outcomes and satisfaction with their program and college. Graduates will also be surveyed two (2) years after graduation. Please ensure to keep your personal contact information up-to-date and on file at the College.

Employer Satisfaction
As a part of the graduate satisfaction survey, graduates are asked for permission to contact their direct supervisor. If permission is granted, every effort is made by the research agency to contact the graduate’s employer within five (5) weeks after completing the survey. Graduates’ employers will not be contacted without graduates’ consent. The purpose of the employer satisfaction survey is to assess the performance of the college, not the graduate.

Student Satisfaction
Student satisfaction surveys are completed in-class by college students across the province and the results are then compiled by an external survey consultant. At Northern College, surveys are administered in early November, February, and June. They are administered jointly by the College, the Northern College Student Association, and an external survey provider to full-time post-secondary/post diploma students who are in their second semester and beyond.

Graduation Rate
Graduation rate is based on tracking individual students who entered a program of instruction in a particular enrolment reporting period and assessing how many of those individuals completed the program a number of years later. Graduation rate is calculated annually using MCU established guidelines.

9.3 Publication

The college’s KPI results are announced annually in the spring and are made available at

Northern College takes the health and safety of students very seriously. For your safety and the safety of others at Northern College, we recommend that you carefully read the following:

10.1 Mental Health

Northern College is committed to supporting and encouraging student wellbeing. Positive mental health is essential for learning and success. We strive to create opportunities for meaningful learning, growth and balance. We support students by connecting, exchanging ideas, and individualizing strategies to help with change, challenges, and personal goals.

On Campus Support:

Advising Services: An open-door, free service for all students. Advisors are committed to your success! We are a comprehensive service that offers on-going support, referral and opportunities for learning about your mental health and wellbeing.

Accessibility Services: We ensure that your academic environment is accessible whether you are onsite or online. Barriers to learning are identified and resources are offered to support learning. Students who learn differently or who live with mental health challenges are encouraged to contact the advisors in Accessibility Services to discuss available accommodations. Accessibility services are designed for students who may have restrictions resulting from a physical, sensory, or mental health disability.

Off Campus Support:

Good2Talk: A free, confidential helpline providing professional counselling and information and referrals for mental health, addictions and well-being to post-secondary students in Ontario, 24/7/365.

For more off campus resources and referrals, please see your campus Advising Services.

10.2 Fragrance Friendly Workplace

Northern College is a fragrance free workplace. Suitable air quality is important in fostering a healthy working environment. Students who wear cologne or perfume may be unaware that these fragrances may trigger headaches, wheezing or other allergic reactions. People with allergies/asthma suffer greatly and reactions to these stimuli may vary from mild to severe symptoms. It is expected that all students will refrain from using any perfume, cologne, hand cream or other items that have a strong odor or fragrance.

10.3 Slips, Trips and Falls

Listed below are a few tips to prevent you from becoming a victim of slips, trips or falls.

Winter on Foot – Avoid Winter Slips, Trips and Falls

  • Walk! Don’t run!
  • Wear footwear appropriate for weather conditions such as boots or shoes with rubber soles, good treads and low heels.
  • Walk with caution as it can be difficult to determine which areas of pavements are slippery and icy. Water vapor can freeze on cold surfaces, forming an extra-thin, nearly invisible layer of ice that can look like a wet spot on the pavement.
  • Walk in designated walkways as much as possible. Taking shortcuts can be hazardous.
  • Look ahead when you walk and walk slowly in small shuffling steps; this will help your reaction time to changes in traction.
  • When walking on steps always use the hand railings and plant your feet firmly on each step.
  • Use special care when entering and exiting vehicles; use the vehicle for support.

Everyone is personally responsible for reducing slips, trips and falls.

Should you see an immediate concern/hazard with your campus parking lots/walkways etc., please contact your Campus Manager, Student Services or a member of Plant & Property team to report.

10.4 Report Forms

If you see a health/safety/environmental concern, we want to hear from you. Report forms are available at the main reception areas and on the Alertus App (when available). These forms will assist us in immediately addressing the hazards.

10.5 Ladder Safety

It is the policy of Northern College that no person shall use a ladder unless trained and authorized to do so. Anyone using ladders on Northern College property must be trained in the Ladder Safety Program. Ladder users must be able to recognize ladder hazards and be aware of safe practices in setting up, storing, moving and working from ladders to prevent injuries from occurring. Failure to comply with the Ladder Safety Program may result in disciplinary actions.

10.6 Evacuation

Emergency situations make evacuation of your building necessary. Most commonly, you will become aware that an evacuation is required when a fire alarm sounds or when an evacuation notification is activated.

When an evacuation notification is activated, the evacuation MUST be treated as a real emergency and the building evacuated.

  • Calmly proceed to the nearest exit.
  • Close but DO NOT lock doors.
  • Use the stairs: DO NOT use the elevator (where applicable).
  • Follow the instructions of the Fire Wardens and Emergency Personnel.
  • Quickly move away from the building, but do not run, push or crowd. Use hand rails in stairwells.
  • Move to an emergency gathering location, a safe outdoor spot, at least 30 metres away from the building, fire routes and fire hydrants and wait to receive further instructions or direction.
  • DO NOT re-enter the building until notified in person by Emergency Personnel that it is safe to do so.

10.7 Campus/Site Closure (Weather & Water Emergencies, Gas Leaks or Power Outages)

It is Northern College’s intent to remain open as much as reasonably possible to ensure it is able to deliver programs and services to its students, clients and visitors. However, when the safety of students and staff is jeopardized or the College’s ability to operate effectively is compromised, a campus or site will be closed for such reasons as weather or water emergencies, gas leaks or power outages.

The decision for the closure of each campus or site is made independently based on its particular circumstances and is held by the Campus Manager/Site Supervisor (or designate) in consultation with the Senior Management Representative (or designate).

When a decision is made to close campuses, the Campus Manager/Site Supervisor (or designate) will notify the appropriate College personnel who will take necessary action as laid out in the Campus/Site Closure Emergency Response Flowchart. The Marketing/Communications Manager (or designate) will provide message of campus/site closure to all faculty, staff, clients and students as well as timed message updates as directed by the Campus Manager/Site Supervisor (designate). Hearing that one campus or site is closed does not necessarily mean that any other campus or site is affected.

10.8 Lockdown

A lockdown procedure describes what an institution should do during a potential or actual violent incident involving an armed individual posing an immediate threat to the safety of the Northern College community (presence of a knife, gun, and explosives).

Lockdown will remove students, faculty, staff, and visitors from the threat, isolate the dangerous situation and depending on the situation, facilitate an organized evacuation from a dangerous area. Our collective ability to lockdown as quickly and effectively as possible will save lives and assist emergency response personnel in the performance of their responsibilities.

If you observe a person on campus with a firearm or other weapon, call 9-1-1 immediately.

Initiate lockdown procedure as identified at each site. The Kirkland Lake, Haileybury and Timmins campuses are equipped with a push button system.

A lockdown that has been initiated by the push button system, will sound as: “LOCKDOWN, LOCKDOWN, WE ARE IN LOCKDOWN”. This message will play continuously.

In the event of a lockdown, please do one of the following:


If there is an accessible escape path, IF SAFE TO DO SO attempt to evacuate the premises:

  • Have an escape route and plan in mind.
  • Help others escape if possible.
  • Follow the instructions of any law enforcement.
  • Keep your hands visible.


If evacuation is not possible, find a place to hide where the armed intruder is less likely to find you:

  • Lock the doors.
  • Block entry to your hiding place with heavy objects.
  • Hide in an area out of the armed intruder’s view.
  • Silence your cellphone and stay quiet.
  • Wait for law enforcement and follow their instructions.


As a last resort, attempt to disrupt and/or incapacitate the intruder by:

  • Acting as aggressively as possible against them.
  • Yelling for help.
  • Throwing items and improvising weapons.

10.9 Pandemic Planning

Northern College’s Pandemic Plan has been created to ensure the College is prepared and has a plan in place in the event of a pandemic.

The planning principles used to prepare this plan are:

  • to safeguard the health and wellbeing of the College community members;
  • to protect the academic mission through continuity of core activities and;
  • to protect the long-term interest of the College. This includes implementing preparedness activities at each stage leading up to, during and after a declared pandemic.

The plan will identify issues that may be anticipated in the event of a pandemic. Departments identified within the plan will develop specific practices and procedures based on the identified issues. Implementation of the plan with these practices and procedures will ensure the College can continue to provide services in a safe manner ensuring that the health of the community is the prime parameter in all decisions and actions for as long as possible in the event of a pandemic.

Our priority during a pandemic is to keep Northern College open as long as it is safe to do so or unless otherwise advised by Ontario public health authorities. If the health and safety of staff and students become a concern, the College will consider campus closures.

While schools are open during a declared pandemic in Ontario, normal program expectations and service levels may not be met. Students will be informed of the suspension of any program through the internal communication systems including Faculty.

10.10 Respectful College Community Policy (Harassment, Violence, and Discrimination)


Northern College will maintain zero tolerance for harassment, violence, discrimination, or reprisals. The College will promote and support a college setting that is free of harassment, violence and discrimination. All Northern College employees, contractors, volunteers, and students (“College Community Members”) will abide by this policy. Furthermore, Northern College will take all reasonable steps to ensure awareness of this policy, and will be proactive in providing education and training in relation to its provisions.


Northern College is a community of diverse races, creeds, cultures, and social affiliations. We are committed to promoting and supporting a Northern College workplace and educational setting (“College Setting”) where everyone can work and study together in an atmosphere free of harassment, violence and discrimination, in a climate of mutual respect and dignity, where individual human rights are upheld. We value each member of our community for their individual and unique talents, and applaud all efforts to enhance the quality of our lives. We recognize that each individual’s effort is vital to achieving the goals of Northern College.

Northern College has zero tolerance for harassment, violence, discrimination, or reprisals. All Northern College employees, contractors, volunteers, and students (“College Community Members”) must abide by this Policy. In the event that harassment, violence, or discrimination of any type is alleged, Northern College will make every effort to work with the individuals involved to find a fair and timely resolution of the matter. Appropriate investigations will be conducted, and the rights of both complainants and respondents will be safeguarded to the extent possible. Northern College will take all reasonable steps to ensure awareness of this Policy, and will be proactive in providing education and training in relation to its provisions.

Northern College acknowledges that no aspect of this Policy shall interfere with an individual’s rights to pursue complaints under other available processes (e.g. under the Ontario Human Rights Code or Ontario Occupational Health and Safety Act, or a Collective Agreement). If another process is initiated at any time, the College has the right to consider suspending or terminating this procedure.

Further guiding principles regarding the conduct expected of College employees in the performance of their duties can be found in Northern College’s Code of Conduct and Conflict of Interest policies.

10.11 Sexual Assault and Sexual Violence Policy


All members of the Northern College community have a right to work and study in an environment that is free from any form of sexual violence. This policy and its related protocol sets out the way in which we address sexual violence. It ensures that those affected by sexual violence are believed and appropriately accommodated and ensures that the College has a process of investigation that protects the rights of individuals and holds individuals who have committed an act of sexual violence accountable.


Sexual assault and sexual violence are unacceptable and will not be tolerated. We are committed to challenging and preventing sexual violence and creating a safe space for anyone in our College community who has been affected by sexual violence. The College is expected to be a safe and positive space where members of the College community feel able to work, learn and express themselves in an environment free from sexual violence. All reported incidents of sexual violence will be investigated to the best of the administration’s ability and in a manner that ensures due process.

It is this policy’s intention to make individuals feel comfortable about making a report in good faith about sexual violence that they have experienced or witnessed. We recognize that sexual violence can occur between individuals regardless of sexual orientation, gender, and gender identity or relationship status as articulated in the Ontario Human Rights Code. We also recognize that individuals who have experienced sexual violence may experience emotional, academic or other difficulties.

We are committed to:

  • assisting those who have been affected by sexual violence by providing choices, including detailed information and support, such as referral to counselling and medical care, information about legal options, and appropriate academic and other accommodation;
  • ensuring that those who disclose that they have been sexually assaulted are believed, and that their right to dignity and respect is protected throughout the process of disclosure, investigation and institutional response;
  • addressing harmful attitudes and behaviours (e.g., adhering to myths of sexual violence) that reinforce that the person who experienced sexual violence is somehow to blame for what happened;
  • treating individuals who disclose sexual violence with compassion recognizing that they are the final decision-makers about their own best interests;
  • ensuring that on-campus (internal) investigation procedures are available in the case of sexual violence, even when the individual chooses not to make a report to the police;
  • engaging in appropriate procedures for investigation and adjudication of a complaint which are in accordance with College policies, standards and applicable collective agreements, and that ensure fairness and due process;
  • ensuring coordination and communication among the various departments who are most likely to be involved in the response to sexual violence on campus;
  • engaging in public education and prevention activities;
  • providing information to the College community about our sexual violence policies and protocols;
  • providing appropriate education and training to the College community about responding to the disclosure of sexual violence;
  • contributing to the creation of a campus atmosphere in which sexual violence is not tolerated; and
  • monitoring and updating our policies and protocols to ensure that they remain effective and in line with other existing policies and best practices.

This Policy applies to: All members of the College community including: all employees, governors, students, contractors, suppliers of services, individuals who are directly connected to any College initiatives, volunteers, and visitors. Policy available on



The Northern College Board of Governors consists of twelve (12) external members, together with the President of the College and the following internal representatives who are elected by their respective group: one (1) Faculty member, one (1) Support Staff member and one (1) Administrative member. One (1) student governor is selected through a student-led process, bringing total Board membership to 17.

The Ontario Colleges of Applied Arts and Technology Act, 2002, identifies each college as a corporation without share capital and with a board of governors under the authority of the Ontario Not-for-profit Corporations Act, 2010, to govern the college on behalf of the public. In general, the Board has the power to govern the College and by law is responsible for the College’s activities. Delegated authority from the Board, the President is accountable to the Board and, along with College Administration, manages the day-to-day activities of the College.

The Board of Governors is Responsible for:

  • Establishing governance structures to enable the achievement of expected institutional outcomes with clear lines of communication and internal accountability.
  • Setting the College vision, strategic directions, and overall goals and outcomes within the context of the appropriate laws, government policy, and local need.
  • Hiring the CEO (i.e., president), delegating to the CEO accountability for the operation of the College, and evaluating the CEO’s performance.
  • Approving the College’s annual business plan, budget, and annual report.
  • Assessing regularly the attainment by the CEO of corporate goals and outcomes, and the effectiveness of the board with respect to governance.
  • Taking appropriate corrective action, as necessary, where expected outcomes or quality of performance are not being achieved.

How Can I Access the Board of Governors?

  • A student wanting to meet with or present a brief to the Board will submit a written request to the Executive Assistant to the Board at least three (3) weeks prior to a scheduled Board meeting (Board meeting dates are available on the College website).
  • The Board Chair, in consultation with the President, will decide whether to grant or deny the request.
  • Board policy B-13 “Presentations to the Board (PDF, 40 KB)”  may be found on the college website and describes the procedure for making the request and requirements for presentations.
  • Any general information related to the Board can be accessed through the Executive Assistant to the Board at 705-235-7136.

When and Where Does the Board Meet

Students are encouraged to attend the public portion of all Board meetings. Students may check the College website for meeting dates and locations at

Students may also get information about Board meetings by contacting the Executive Assistant to the Board at 705-235-7136.


Northern College has a suite of online services that can help you to have the best college experience possible.

For more information, please see the link:

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